love at first sight

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Melinda was on her way back to her room, which she shared with her friend Liz. She had previously been a few floors up because she was visiting a friend. James. On the stairs she was thinking and collided with a young man. She fell and almost fell down the stairs, but the man caught her. "Excuse me, Miss. Is everything okay? Have you hurt yourself?" he asked worriedly. Melinda sat up and froze. Then she murmured, "It's okay. Thanks for catching me. I'm Melinda. Melinda May. It's nice to meet you." The man smiled at her and said, "I'm Phillip. Phillip J. Coulson. But everyone calls me Phil. Glad you're okay." He smiled one last time and Melinda returned the smile. Then he carefully walked past her. Melinda stood still. When Phil got to the bottom of the stairs she finally started to move. She turned and called up to Phil, "Wait Phil!" Phil turned to her and looked back at her. He was still smiling. Melinda was completely smitten. When she didn't say anything, Phil asked her gently, "Yes, Melinda?" "R- Right. Um... Could I have your phone number?" she stuttered. He went down to her and asked her for her phone. She gave it to him and he saved his number. Then he sent a message to his cell phone. When it arrived he knew he hadn't made a mistake. Then he said: "You're welcome. I'll call you." He handed the phone back to Melinda. Their hands touched each other. At that moment they froze. Melinda lifted her head and looked into Phil's blue eyes. Then she suddenly realized what she was doing and moved. She picked up the phone, let go of his hand and mumbled absently, "Thanks Phil. Goodbye." "Goodbye Melinda," he replied. He turned away and went up the stairs again. Melinda went down the stairs and to her room.
She opened the door and went in. Her thoughts were still with Phil. As if hypnotized, she went to her bed and sat down. "Hey Mel. How was it with James?" her friend asked her, looking up from her history book. At first she didn't answer. Shortly afterwards she realized that Liz had asked her something and replied: "Nice. James, Mary and I watched a movie. Then Mary had to go and we said goodbye." "And that's all? Because you seem pretty distracted. Almost like you had a crush. Who else was there besides Mary and James?" Liz asked interestedly. "Nobody," Melinda murmured. Liz raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then what's going on? Where did you meet him? And don't pretend that there's no one. I know you incredibly well. And you have a crush." "Good.....Okay... Maybe I met someone," Melinda admitted. “Do I know him?” Liz asked excitedly, “Someone from our class?” Melinda shook her head and then said: "I don't know him that well yet. His name is Philipp J. Coulson. His eyes are light blue and... just so beautiful.....And his smile is really charming. We bumped into each other on the stairs. I almost fell, but he caught me. And I have his number, but I don't know what to write." "Awwwww. That's so sweet!" said Liz, "and how about hi as the first message?" Melinda nodded slightly and quickly wrote the message. then she lay down and almost immediately fell asleep with a smile on her lips.

Melida May and Phillip Coulson Where stories live. Discover now