Chapter 1 - Meetings, Greetings and RSVPs

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A.N. I am new to writing here so any comments, likes or suggestions are greatly welcome. I will do my best to update regularly, maybe every week. I hope you enjoy the story!

Reynie opened the computer with much anticipation and enthusiasm. Today was Saturday, time for the fortnightly call home. 'Home', oh how he had longed for one so many years ago. Now he had Amma and Pati, Mr Benedict, Number Two and Rhonda, and of course, the Mysterious Benedict Society. He could not wait to talk with them, especially Kate.

Reynie and Kate had been keeping up their long-distance relationship for a few years now and, as Sticky had predicted, it was working out quite well. They would call each other almost every day and talk. Reynie was just about to finish university with graduation just around the corner. Kate was now on a special training camp to keep up with the latest technological developments.

Reynie signed into the meeting and was met with the smiling face of Kate, who was doing pull-ups from a bar on the ceiling.

"Hello! Looks like we are the first ones here." Kate greeted in her usual bubbly way, choosing to hang by her ankles for a few minutes, her long blonde hair streaming down in locks towards the floor.

'Hi!" Reynie replied, not the least bit fazed by Kate's awkward position, "How have you been? You mentioned a test a few days ago."

Kate was once again in amazement at how much Reynie cared for his friends. He even remembered the test she had mentioned in passing almost a week ago. "My performance was as per usual," Kate replied with a satisfied smile.

Reynie understood by now that "as per usual" meant top of the class. He couldn't help but feel pride fill his chest. Kate was amazing and Reynie knew he could never truly meet her standards of physical ability. He was proud to be the friend, no, the boyfriend, of the Great Kate Weather Machine.

At this moment, Reynie's computer let out a 'ding' and the faces of the family in Stonetown appeared in two separate windows. Amma, Pati, Mr and Mrs Washington, and Milligan in one, Mr Benedict, Rhonda, Number Two, Constance and Sticky in the other.

Kate's face lit up when she saw everyone, she quickly let go of the bar on the ceiling and got into a chair in one swift movement. "Hello!" Kate said, waving enthusiastically, "It's so great to see you all again."

"Yeah," Reynie added, "I've been missing you all."

"We've been missing you too," Number Two agreed.

"How have you two been?" Ms Perumal asked.

"Kate got first in class for her last test!" Reynie said.

Milligan beamed with pride. "That's my girl!" Meanwhile, Kate blushed in humility.

"How have end-of-year examinations been for Mr PhD?" Pati queried jokingly. Reynie blushed. It was true, he was studying to get a PhD in cryptology (the study of puzzles).

Reynie replied, "Exams ended two weeks ago, Pati. But my results have been good."

Pati shook her head disappointedly and commented on her brain getting older and her memory deteriorating. The others congratulated Reynie and the recipient's face turned red. "Good? Reynie don't be modest and under-recognise your effort." Ms Perumal scolded mildly.

"Can we talk about me now?" Constance hollered from next to Sticky. Though Constance had matured into a relatively better-behaved 10-year-old, she still required attention, affection and praise from those older than her. Understanding this, Mr Benedict (who had been very quiet up till this moment) spoke up, "Of course, why don't you tell everyone about your recent project?

"Ugh!" Constance complained, "That was a nightmare. It was a project and I hate project work. Except with you all," she gestured to Sticky and the two faces on the screen. "Worst of all, Number Two did not let me present a poem I made about William Henry Harrison."

"You were supposed to make a PowerPoint presentation!" Number Two said in her defence.

"That's a project that is dumb. You know projects make me numb, and yet you make me subject to your idealisation for the visual aspect." Constance retorted.

Kate, rather amused by Constance's complaints, asked, "How would the poem have gone if you could present it?"

Reynie, who was missing Constance's poetry, (He did not quite understand why. Wasn't he "The dull goon called Muldoon" some time ago".) urged Constance to tell.

Constance read her poem aloud.

A.N. I am terrible at poetry, so I have to leave this to your imagination. If you like, please share one with me, I will give you credit.  

When she finished, she was met with rounds of applause. Kate whistled and Sticky patted Constance on the back. Reynie commended her, "Your poetry is getting better by the day Constance."

"Thank you Reynie," she said.

Sticky cleared his throat and spoke up. "I have been working on a new project at the university."

The others urged him to go on, mainly out of politeness rather than pure interest. Sticky rattled on about chelation, flocculation and other complicated scientific terms that only Reynie understood.

"In English, English Sticky, please," Constance said with a hint of exasperation.

Sticky flushed pink, he felt the urge to polish that never-ending spot off his spectacles, but he simply pushed them up the bridge of his nose and explained, "We are trying to find a solution to neutralise nuclear electrons."

"That sounds good," Kate said, "For the whole of humanity. You'll be shocked by all the things people are selling on the black market. Dangerous stuff. Some are more dangerous than the Ten Men." She had been learning a lot at the camp.

The words "Ten Men" sent a shiver down the spines of all those who heard. Though Mr Curtain and his henchmen were securely locked up, they had left a lasting impression on the minds of the people in the meeting, one that would not simply fade over time.

There was a pause.

"Reynie," Mr Benedict started, "Your graduation will be in less than two weeks. Are there any preparations to be made? Must we register or accept an invitation?"

"Oh, yes!" Reynie exclaimed recalling the briefing he had attended earlier that day. "There will be an invitation sent out tomorrow and whoever is coming must RSVP by next Friday. The ceremony will be on the following Tuesday."

"Good to know," Ms. Perumal said, "We will all be there. I can't wait to see you Reynie, dear."

"Us too!" Number Two added.

Everyone expressed their well wishes for the two overseas and logged off the meeting. Leaving only Reynie and Kate in the meeting.

Kate blew Reynie a kiss and said, "See you on Graduation Day!"

Reynie caught the kiss and pressed his hand to his cheek. "You too!" he called back as they both left the meeting room.

Reynie closed the computer with a sigh, he could not wait for Graduation Day to come. 

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