Gay Term

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~Enzo's POV~ 

Okay I lied, my dick can not wait, I quickly make my way out of her room and head to mine as I can feel my dick growing, I lock my bedroom door as I head towards the showers, I quickly take off my clothes and enter the shower, turning on the shower, the warm water hits my back as I start to jerk myself off. 

____ ____ ____ ____

I am finally ready, I wait for Bella to come down as I am waiting I see Cynthia head out the main family room, raising my eyebrow I see Adrien coming out after her 

"Adrien" I say as I get his attention, he notices me before he starts to make his was towards me 

"yes?" he asks

"is she staying?" I ask, he nods his head as he looks down then back up at me 

"yeh, Dante is having her move in, and Carlos is going to get kicked out but your father has his people keeping eyes on Carlos." I hum as I take out my phone, I go onto my tracking app as I turn it towards Adrien showing him, he looks at me in confusion 

"I have my eyes on him too, he has a tracker in his body" Adrien looks surprised but I don't say anything further. 

Carlos, the day he stepped into my house, I knew there was something off about him, the reason why is because of a phone call I had heard when I was walking past one of the rooms in the house. 

"do you think she will rat me out?"  I hear Isabella father say, stopping by the door I frown at the words that come out his mouth next 

"okay that's great, keep her away from the D'Angelo house, and if you keep your word, Ill give you all the information you need."  who the hell is he talking to?

"I told you, I will always get the job done, especially if its us uniting, these fools think I'm against you" he states, I hold back my anger as I realise he is communicating with the enemy. 

That was when I realised he was playing us this whole time, but the most shocking thing is he was lying to his own family his children which disgust me so I slipped in a little tracking device in his food. 

"Lorenzo" I hear my father call out bringing me back to reality 

"I will be needing you and Isabella right now" he states, I nod and he walks right back down the hall, into his office. 

~Bella's POV~

I make my way down the steps as I see Adrien and Enzo, Enzo eyes catch mine as his eyes start to travel down my body, taking in what I am wearing. I reach the bottom of the steps making my way towards Enzo 

"you look beautiful" he states, I smile as his words 

"but we have to keep this on hold, my father said he needs us right now" I frown as to why but I don't question it. 

We both enter the office, Enzo letting me go in first, he then shuts the door behind us. 

"take a seat" Dante says, both me and Enzo take a seat as we do I see Dante pulling out some papers from his drawer, he slides back to his desk placing the papers down, he stops what he is about to do and looks at me. 

"Bella I am sorry." he states, I look at him confused then I look at Enzo trying to figure out what the hell he is sorry about, but nope, Enzo has a poker face on as he sits there and waits for my dad to proceed. 

"your father was playing all of us" he states making my head spins back to him, I look at him confused but I say nothing waiting for Dante to elaborate and so he does. 

"he has been ratting us out the whole time" I get up from my seat as I hear the rest of the words coming out of his mouth, that's impossible, my father would never do that.

"I know its shocking, but here is the proof" Dante says as he pushes the stack of evidence in front of me. I walk forward as I flip the papers scanning ever detail on it. 

"did you know?" I ask, as Dante was about to speak, Enzo interrupts him by speaking over him 

"I did" both me and Dante look at him, me looking at him in shock and Dante in confusion 

"I didn't tell you guys because I didn't know for sure I just had a thought" he says, I nod as I take a seat. 

"so what are we suppose to do from here" I ask 

"well you both are going to finish the mission tonight." both me and Enzo look at each other then back at Dante. 

"Dad we cant, not today" Enzo says as he sits up from his seat. 

"Enzo, you will get the mission done today. The plan is all over, everything that was going to happen has been spilled they are two steps ahead of us. So today night you both will go and finish the mission, its a order."  Enzo looks at his dad like he is crazy, we have no plan no idea how we are going to kill the America Don, no escape, no back up plan, no nothing. 

"Dante we have no plan" I say, he smiles as he takes out a phone from his pocket, Enzos phone. 

"how did you get my phone?" Dante smirks at him 

"dont let a criminal get close" he states, I look at the phone as I see a red dot moving around the screen, someone being tracked. 

"Lorenzo my boy has been tracking your father. I have kicked your father out of the house after the stunt he pulled and of course knowing him, he will be turning towards the Americans and telling them all the information. So you both will also be flying out to America" 

The door barges opened as I turn around I see Nico and Leo barging into the room with suitcases. 

"don't tell me them two are coming with us" I say 

"hey" Leo states as him and Nico walk towards us

"we will be excellent help for your information" Nico says, I roll my eyes as Dante smiles. 

~Nicos POV~

All of us are now in the private jet as we are trying to get this plan planned because right now this shit is not planning at all. 

"so what do I do?" I ask, Bella tries to slap me but I quickly grab her hand since it is not her first time slapping me on this jet. 

"Nico, listen carefully" Lorenzo states, I nod as I look at the paper, he starts to explain and I just nod still not understanding, yes I am slow. 

"yeh understood" I say, they all fall back into their seats 

"finally" Bella looks at me as she slaps me 

"owh, what was that for" I say rubbing my head 

"you don't understand" she states, she knows me so well 

"explain it in gay term" I state, she rolls her eyes as she holds back a smirk. 

After she explains I actually get it, I'm going to be in the opposite building as I do my hacking skills helping them with the electrons. Lorenzo and Isabella will obviously be going in and doing most of the work as for Leo he will be making his appearance late just in case something bad goes down. But for now we got to hope nothing bad happens. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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