✯ Sad I Ams' (school edition)

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I am

a tree,

which no one will appreciate.

The school bell,

disrespected cause' you were late,

Your leftovers,

which you never ate.

I am

the school wall,

unclean from their drawings,

The school desks,

which had so-called 'acne'.

The 'sick' computer, unzipped school bag;

The broken water bottle,

that pours instead of holds.

I am

the class clock,

that got knocked to death.

The air pumper,

that got out of breath.

The glass windows,

all fogged up.

The students there,

all fucked up.

This poem was inspired by a poem book I got from my school and one of the chapters is called 'Sad I am' s', so I kinda got inspired by that book and changed it to a school edition poem. 

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