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Day 1 of living with Pickle.

The sun was shining in my face when I woke up the next morning, in which I pulled the blanket over my head to block the rays from blinding me. It was surprising that I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, which is often. I never had a set schedule for when I woke up, but it felt odd actually getting the sleep that I needed since I would get at least 3-4 hours for no reason. I finally decided to get up before I changed my mind and I threw the blanket off my body with a groan, forcing myself to sit up. I yawned and stretched, remembering what I had planned for the day. I then looked down and saw that Pickle was still sleeping.

'Guess I'm not the only one who had a long day...'

I carefully slipped out of bed and walked around him, hoping that he wouldn't spring awake and grab me or something. It may be a while before he wakes up, so I have some time to prepare for the day. After taking that much-needed shower, I stepped out of the tub and after drying myself off as much as I could, slipped on my bathrobe. God, I really needed that. I opened the bathroom door to take in the cooler air and sighed. At that moment, I was completely unaware of Pickle's presence until I finally looked up and saw him staring at me.

"Good morning," I said with a smile, pulling the robe closer to my body because I knew that he was staring at more than just my face. "Slept well, I assume?"

He nodded slowly, but I could tell that he was still staring at me. I better change into my clothes quickly before he starts getting ideas. I told him that I was going to my room for a moment, but, of course, I could hear him following very close behind. Before I walked in, I held out my hand towards him, preventing him from moving any further, and told him to wait. He almost trips, then looks between me and my hand; it took him a moment to process what I was saying, but he surprisingly sat down on the floor. At that moment, I closed the door and quickly threw on a tank top and pants. It didn't take too long for me to get ready and I was quite surprised to see him still sitting by the door when I opened the door again. He perked up upon seeing me and I couldn't help but chuckle. After getting ready for the day, which included fixing my hair (and trying to get Pickle not to touch it until I was done), I slipped on my shoes and jacket, then turned to him.

"Do you want to walk with me," I asked before grabbing my bag. Though shopping for clothes would be a bit of a problem, I was sure that he would like to explore the city along the way. Besides, he's wearing pants, so he's not completely naked.

He made a noise of excitement as he stood up from the floor and walked towards me. I wasn't sure how much of Tokyo he had seen before I found him, but it didn't hurt to learn more. Maybe, things go well...


I've only known Pickle for a few days in total, but I quickly realized that finding clothes for an 8-foot-tall prehistoric man who still doesn't understand that wearing clothes is a public necessity is not exactly easy. Sure, I've seen him wear clothes before, but it's best that he doesn't go around literally stealing clothes off people's backs.

On the plus side, he was pretty well-behaved throughout most of the trip to the clothing store as he didn't go too far to where I couldn't see him, but he did touch a lot of the shirts and tried to put them on right on the spot. In the end, he now owns quite a few shirts that he seems to like. It was a little awkward paying for a large number of shirts (and a very small amount of pants) as the clerk kept making me uncomfortable, but I was just glad that I had some money left over to get lunch.

After paying, I thanked the cashier and grabbed the bag of clothes. "Alright, Pickle, let's go-" I paused. He wasn't behind me anymore. In fact, I couldn't hear him nearby.

'Son of a bitch...'

I panicked on the inside and frantically looked around for him; the last thing I needed was for the police to be called because the store was now in disarray. But he was nowhere in the store. Nope, he was already outside.

"Hey! Wait!" I started sprinting towards the exit to catch up with him. Because of his long legs, he was pretty far away from me before he heard my voice and finally stopped so I could catch my breath when I caught up. "Shit...you're quick. Slow down a bit. We're not in a hurry."

He stared down at me and I assumed that he understood, but I had to keep a steady pace with him as he would still be a few steps ahead of me, even if he tried to slow down a bit. This must be how my high school friends felt when we would walk together. I was starting to get a little annoyed, but I soon managed to get in front of him to lead us home safely and with no trouble.

We finally made it home and I pushed open the door after unlocking it, letting him walk in first so I could close it behind him. "Well, that was fun."

I took off my shoes and started towards the living room, thinking about what to do next. I then heard a low growl coming from behind me and realized that it was Pickle's stomach.

'Crap! I forgot to stop and get food! But what the hell am I going to feed him?!'

I remember hearing that he ate mostly raw dinosaur meat, but I didn't have any of that with me. But I know someone who does. In the meantime, I can whip up something for both of us. "You hungry, Pickle? I can make us something real quick."

His stomach growled again and he nods almost impatiently. He put a hand on his stomach and followed me to the kitchen. The clothes are gonna have to wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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