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Chapter 9

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If I didn't have Izzy perched on my hip and a carry-on bag slung across my shoulder, I would have run to the gate. Finally, after an entire year, I'm going to officially be able to create a life with Cameron—a life we always dreamed of.

My time in Germany is one I'll cherish forever. It rounded me into becoming a better doctor. I've gained knowledge that I'll carry with me for the rest of my career, and it's all because of Cameron influencing me to go and giving me the reassurance I needed to make the jump. He's always believed in me and in us. Every single moment spent away from each other, he's proven that time and time again.

I'm itching to see my man.

The gate seems endless. We're rounding different corners of the airport until finally, I see the exit. My smile diminishes when I see the crowd formed around my husband, begging and pleading for a photo opportunity.

I can tell he tried his best to be as discreet as possible, wearing a ball cap to cover his curls and shades over his eyes, but when you're six-three and jacked, it's kind of obvious you play some sort of sport.

Still, even with a crowd surrounding him, my heart flutters all the same. Tears are pricking the backs of my eyes because this time? There won't be a goodbye. This time, I won't worry myself crazy counting down the seconds we have left. Sure, he'll have away games to travel to, but it'll be nothing compared to spending months apart like we've been enduring.

"Daddy!" Izzy shrieks, squirming beneath my grasp. I'm reluctant to let her go when there's a large crowd of people, but Cameron's head snaps up at her voice, and instantly, he's racing towards us.

Maybe the people snapping pictures on their phones would have bothered me more if I actually paid attention to them, but all I'm focused on is my husband when he wraps his arms around us both, squeezing the life out of us.

"How's my baby girl?" He coos, taking her in his arms. She wraps her little hands around his neck, squealing with delight when he tickles underneath her chin. "Are you happy to be home, Izzy bug?"

When she nods enthusiastically, he chuckles and moves his gaze to mine. People are still recording and snapping away behind us, but he doesn't seem to care when he bends down to kiss the hell out of me. His tongue darts across my lips, and I part my mouth, allowing him access to kiss him even deeper.

But then the sound of another photo being taken fills my ears, and I grimace, pulling away. Truthfully, I haven't been in the limelight with Cameron since he became famous. When we were trying to work things out between us, we kept things under wraps for the most part. Now that we're together back in the States? I'm petrified to be thrown into it head-first.

"You were right," I admit. "Maybe we should have flown private." When he suggested he rent us a private jet, I almost cussed him out on the phone. I thought he was losing it, but now? With the crowd of people gathered around us? I wish we had the moment we got off the plane to ourselves. I won't be surprised if our reunion makes it to the front page of a trashy magazine next week.

Speaking of trashy magazines, Katie and Cameron's cover was released a few days ago, and a woman waiting by the gate for someone has the issue clutched tightly in her hands, a brow raised towards us. Of course, she'd believe a magazine cover over what she's witnessing in real life. It shouldn't bother me, but it makes me want to rip that damn scrap of paper out of her hands and throw it in the nearest trash can.

Cameron follows my stare, letting out a sigh. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" Reaching over to take the carry-on bag, he carries both that and Izzy with ease, leading the way to the baggage claim. "Next time, I'm definitely flying you both private."

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