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Freen POV

I was left utterly confused, my cheek stinging from Becky's unexpected slap. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions tumbled through my mind. "Freen, I told you to be patient with her. Why did you let your intrusive thoughts and behavior get the best of you?" I chastised myself, frustrated with my impulsive actions.

Becky quickly hailed a cab and got away, leaving me standing there, my face in my palm, trying to contain my frustration. "Why did I kiss her in the first place? I never expected this kind of reaction from her," I muttered to myself, unable to fathom the situation.

Surprisingly, a tear welled up in my eye, and I was taken aback by my own emotions. I rarely allowed myself to display my feelings so openly, but this incident had shaken me.

My bodyguard approached, bewildered by the situation. "Miss, are you okay?" he asked, concern in his voice.

I tried to maintain my usual cold demeanor, my voice steadying as I sighed deeply. "Yeah, I'm okay."

The incident left me tossing and turning in my sleepless night, unable to shake the memory of Becky's reaction to our kiss. "She won't avoid me, right? We still have our deal, which means we'll see each other again," I assured myself, my determination driving me forward.

"Should I apologize for it? But how?" I wondered, my frustration building. This unexpected turn of events had me feeling both lost and conflicted, and I was uncertain of how to proceed.

The atmosphere in the office was heavy with tension as Freen, the boss, exhibited an unusual seriousness that sent shivers down her employees' spines. Her sharp tone and sudden mood swings created an air of fear and uncertainty among the staff.

"I don't understand. Last week, she approved the report and budget, and now she wants sudden changes," Freen's secretary whispered, clearly perplexed by their boss's behavior.

Curiosity and concern led him to Freen's office, where he found her engrossed in her work, her face stern and cold. The employees outside could hear her sharp commands and frustrated sighs, indicating that something was seriously amiss.

Suddenly, the office door creaked open, and Fah, Freen's mother, entered the room. She had sensed the chaos and anger from her daughter's office and immediately went to check on her.

"What's happening, darling?" Fah asked gently, placing a comforting hand on Freen's shoulder. "This isn't like you. Remember my lesson about not letting your emotions affect your workplace. It can impact everyone. Be mature."

Freen looked up at her mother, her eyes filled with frustration and stress. She nodded, realizing the truth in her mother's words. Taking a deep breath, she tried to compose herself, vowing to handle the situation with a calmer demeanour.

Freen POV

Frustration consumed me, clouding my thoughts as I replayed the kiss incident with Becky over and over again. I couldn't shake off the impact it had on me, and my mood soured further. My mind, usually sharp and focused on work, was now wandering, preoccupied with thoughts of her.

"What is this?" I snapped at my employees, my frustration evident. "This is not the result I expected from you guys."

A heavy silence fell upon the room as my employees exchanged nervous glances, well aware that their boss was not in a good mood.

After the chaotic day, my mother's advice managed to calm me for a while, prompting me to reflect on the situation. But even her words couldn't erase the nagging feeling of confusion that Becky's presence had stirred within me.

"Darn it, Rebecca, what have you done to my life?" I muttered to myself, my frustration deepening as I grappled with the unexpected emotions and distractions that had invaded my otherwise controlled existence.

In the hazy, ephemeral realm of dreams, Becky found herself in a surreal scenario. She was with Freen, and they were unmistakably happy together. Their laughter filled the air, and their smiles seemed endless, painting a picture of contentment and love. What struck Becky as most bewildering was the role reversal – she was the one initiating intimacy, seducing Freen with a passion that felt both foreign and thrilling.

Becky and Freen were spending a delightful day together, their laughter and smiles painting a picture of happiness. They strolled through a charming park, their hands interlocked, and their hearts growing fonder by the moment.

Becky, known for her affectionate nature, couldn't resist being a little clingy, constantly seeking Freen's attention. She leaned in closer, wrapping her arms around Freen's waist, her head resting against Freen's shoulder as they walked.

Freen, just as smitten, willingly obliged, her arm draping over Becky's shoulder to draw her even nearer. She looked down at Becky with an adoring smile, her eyes reflecting the warmth of their connection.

As they reached a quiet, secluded spot in the park, Becky couldn't contain her affection any longer. She placed a hand on Freen's cheek and tilted her head gently, capturing Freen's lips in a passionate kiss. Their love and desire for one another ignited, leaving them both lost in the moment, their connection stronger than ever.

The dream felt so vivid, so real, that when Becky finally awoke, she was jolted into consciousness, her heart racing. The images from the dream lingered in her mind, leaving her utterly perplexed. "Why am I dreaming about Freen like that?" she whispered to herself, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream.

As Becky sat up, she couldn't help but recall another memory that haunted her – the stolen kiss. The memory was like a bittersweet ghost, lingering in the corners of her mind. She didn't want to remember it, to acknowledge the fluttering in her chest that came with the thought of Freen. Yet, try as she might to push the memory away, her mind kept wandering back to that stolen moment, replaying the soft touch of lips against lips, leaving her both flustered and entranced.

Lost in her thoughts, Becky couldn't deny the turmoil within her. Freen had become an enigmatic puzzle, one she couldn't solve but couldn't stop thinking about either. As the day began, she found herself caught between the confusing realm of dreams and the lingering reality of stolen kisses, her emotions a tangled web she wasn't sure how to unravel.

As a mother, Fah couldn't help but notice the significant change in her daughter Freen's demeanor. For weeks, she had observed a remarkable improvement in Freen's mood. She had started to smile more often, dressed herself with more care, as if wanting to impress someone. The most surprising change was that Freen had managed to sleep through the night without needing her usual sleep pills.

All of this left Fah feeling grateful for the newfound positivity in Freen's life. However, on this particular day, she couldn't ignore the dramatic shift in her daughter's demeanor. Freen appeared stressed and agitated, and there was a noticeable redness in her cheeks.

Fah couldn't help but wonder who the person responsible for these changes in Freen's life might be. She had a mother's intuition that something was different about her daughter's recent behavior, and it piqued her curiosity.

"I need to investigate who the person is that Freen has been spending time with," Fah thought to herself, determined to uncover the reason behind her daughter's recent transformations.

Sorry for the late.. I'm totally busy this week

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