Research & Revisit

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"Ichiji, what more can you find on that estate? I don't really know how to go about cleaning the place out," Gojo lounged, letting his wrist limply hang over the back of his chair.

The two sat in a mediocre, yet lonely cafe a few miles from the high school, meeting up for a debrief about what Gojo had experienced inside of the mansion. His usual sleep and waking routine had been plagued by the peaking curiosity of the anomaly hidden in the walls of the Kurosaki Estate. The aroma of watered roses still sat comfortably in the folicions inside of his nose. He leans his head against the back of his chair, trying to release the tension of the perfume-given headache. For a man with unfathomable pain tolerance, he found himself palming his forehead as the clashing and chatter of the cafe began to amplify in sound. There's a moment of stiff pondering, his mind trying to rationalize even the smallest malfunctions. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the house's smell could be a perfume of something lethal. As for now, he will play the waiting game.

Ichiji speaks after clicking the pad of his laptop.

"I can send you a link to this informational site. It's created by some non-profit, most likely operating under an official name," he muttered, not noticing Gojo's discomfort before sending the site link through email.

Kiyotaka Ichiji


"No sort of name to the site?" Gojo asked, facing Ichiji as he brought his phone out.

"No. But there is the option to contact an email."

"Mind tracking it for me, Ichiji~?" He playfully lilts which only got a deadpan to flash over the aged man's face.

Gojo brought an elbow to the tiny brown table, leaning his cheek into his fist as he read over the site provided by the reliable and amazing Ichiji.


We are a team of dedicated members striving to keeping the historical Kurosaki Estate in its healthiest conditions to preserve, and reserve history. This website is to inform the curious of events, tours, and any asked questions about the infamous Kurosaki family.

The passage doesn't move Gojo, only encouraging him to delve deeper into whichever of the provided sections would explain the serpent princess or maybe even the slightest of information to intrigue him on the reason she was the only family member who had a corpse that could be found whereas the rest were undiscoverable. Or so he believes that they're missing. No matter the forensic expert, they were impossible to find as if it was done on purpose. Which, realistically, wasn't surprising, but still insistently inconvenient for Gojo Satarou.


"Will the home ever be up for auction?"

ANSWER: Hello! We're sorry to inform you that the home will not be going up for any sales or auctions in the future. We, the community, do not have the power to release the property.

"Is there a way to rent the home for a personal event?"

ANSWER: HI! Thank you for asking, we always love to provide efficient answers. Yes, you can rent the home, but only if our members are present to monitor and keep your event contained, and the environment safe. Please Email us to see if your event is accepted to go through with!

"Why is it prohibited to fly above this place?"

Gojo hums, not knowing that was a rule.

ANSWER: Hello! The entire area surrounding the property is indeed a no-flight zone due to concerns regarding the safety of pilots and passengers. The area has a hard time compensating and it causes trouble with anything that may fly around it. We are unsure why but we are always safe, and aware!

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