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~At home, February 13~

"Aiko-chan!" Kotaro called leaning on the kitchen table.

"What?" she said while cooking. "And what are you doing here anyways?"

"So cold." he pouted. "I came here to see you and Sei-chan. What are you doing?"

"Baking Valentine's day chocolates."


"Sei." she cut him off.

"But I'm your boyfriend now!" he got up and walked by her side.

"Tch, this doesn't mean I have to give you chocolates!" she said looking away.

Ten minutes later Aiko's phone rang.

"If it's you, Kotaro-kun, I'll kick you out." she said cleaning her hands on her apron.

"I swear, it's not me!" he pouted handing her her phone that was on the kitchen table, in front of him.

Aiko took her phone, opened it and chuckled.

Kise: Aicchi~! Tomorrow is Valentine's day O(≧▽≦)O
May I come to your house? I bet your baking our chocolates right now!

Aiko: No, because you're annoying (^-')乃

Kise: Mean -3- Kurokocchi and Aominecchi wanna come too!

Aiko: You could've said it earlier! See you later :)

Kise: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

~An hour later~

"Aicchi~! Akashicchi~! We're here!" Kise shouted knocking on the front door.

"Don't be so loud, Kise-kun." Kuroko stated.

"Coming!" Aiko exclaimed running towards the door while cleaning her hands on her apron.

She opened the door and Kise hugged her.

"I love you, Aicchi~!" he said hiding his face in the crook of her neck.

"Yeah, yeah..." she raised an eyebrow in confusion and patted his back. "Hi, Kuroko-kun! Hi, Toast!"

"Yo!" Aomine said getting inside the house.

"Good afternoon, Aiko-san." Kuroko bowed before following Aomine.

"Let me go, Kise-kun." Aiko said closing the door with her foot.

"Are our chocolates ready?" he asked raising his head to look at her.

"Yes, I have to pack them though." she said breaking the hug.

Kise run towards the living-room where everyone was and sat beside Kuroko.

"Hi, Hayacchi!" he smiled waving at Kotaro who waved back smiling.

Meanwhile Aiko walked into the kitchen and packed their chocolates.

"I've finished." she exclaimed getting out of the kitchen with three packages. "This is for you, Kuroko-kun." she said handing him the light blue one.

"Thank you, Aiko-san." he said taking it.

"At least try to be happy!" Aomine stated.

"I am." Kuroko said in a monotone pointing at the blank expression printed on his face. "This is the epitome of happiness."

"For you, Toast." she said handing Aomine a blue package. "And this is yours, Kise-kun." she said raising the yellow one.

"Thank you, shortie." Aomine said.

The Only One (Hayama Kotaro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now