Chapter Six

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"I couldn't stomach another bite even if you threatened me," Harry breathed, reclining heavily into the worn wooden chair.

"Don't let mum hear you say that," Ron scolded quietly, though a small smile continued to tug at his lips. He leant in closer, acting as if they were still in a potions lesson hoping that Snape couldn't hear them. "She'll only force you to eat more. She already thinks that you're too skinny."

"I'm mildly offended," Harry scoffed in hushed tones. "All those hours of training, of building muscle, for me only to be called skinny?"

"What was that, dear?" Molly Weasley beckoned from the opposite end of the table. The area was crammed to the brim with massive amounts of food, whilst the dinner table itself was lined with family members, each of them basking in the warmth that the Weasley's family home never failed to provide.

"Oh," Harry scattered for words, ignoring Ron laughing not so inconspicuously from behind his hand. "I was only saying how lovely all the food is, Molly. I never think you can out do yourself, but you always do."

The red-haired woman beamed, levitating a ladle to scoop another spoonful of mashed potatoes onto Harry's plate. Molly nodded her head, returning to her own food.

"Nice one," a young boy's voice taunted from Harry's other side.

"Don't even start, Teddy," Harry warned, her body lagging as she once again picked up her fork to finish off the new pile of food that was now on her plate. "I have half a mind to do the same to you. Afterall, you are a growing lad, you need all the calories you can get."

"You wouldn't dare," Teddy Lupin laughed, shaking his head.

"Oh, are you too full for treacle tart as well then?" the witch teased, knowing that the boy's eyes would widen with fear at the thought of missing out on dessert. "I think that's a suitable punishment for laughing at your godmother."

Ginny patted Teddy on the back in fake concern, the red headed woman sat on the other side of the young boy. Harry knew that the boy could eat for Britain if she allowed him to, he only protested about eating the main course in order to save enough room for two pies worth of treacle tart. His favourite meal beyond measure.

Just like Harry.

She watched Teddy with a sad smile, knowing what today marked for the boy. It was the only reason he had been allowed out of school in the middle of the term.

The second of May each year marked the anniversary of Voldemort's defeat. A time for celebration for most around Britain, to rejoice in the fact that they were no longer subject to the brutality that him and his followers brought down upon them. For others, however, there was pain and sorrow. Souls had been lost in the battles, friends, brothers, sisters. But for Teddy he had lost the parents he never grew to knew.

Yet another thing they had in common.

So a tradition had began from an early age; Molly would hold family meal, all of them staying at the Burrow for the night. They would remember those that had been lost too early, but also celebrate their victory in the best way the Weasleys knew how.

Harry turned to ask Ginny how the quidditch season was coming along but instead of speaking, a loud pop of apperation sounded outside the house before the door burst open in urgency. All eyes turned towards the intruder, some, Harry included, standing with wands pointed before the person made themselves visible.

However, instead of spells flying, their tips of their wands lowered as recognition flared. For Harry though, only confusion followed.

"Oh, Kingsley, how wonderful it is to see you!" Molly voiced in a thrilly. "Come in, come in. Plenty of food to go around."

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