3:The assignment

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No one pov:

It was an early morning on Coruscant,the city was as busy as ever as ships and speeders alike filled the skies of the ever restless planet.
At the Jedi temple many of the older Jedi had alreadybegan their daily tasks and such as Y/n could be seen walking through the halls of the temple on his way to the council chambers,as to why he was on his way there? He didn't know entirely all he did know was that after waking up he received a private summons to the council with very little detail on the reason why they wanted to him of all people.
As the Mandolorian made his way through the halls of the temple he ended up crossing paths with Ahsoka who was currently on her way to the nearest training facility only to have accidentally bumped into him

Y/n:"woah,you ok there?"

He asked with concern as the sound of her colliding with his armor was quite audible

Ahsoka:"y-yeah I'm fine,no worries"

She replied sheepishly while holding her forehead abit embarrassed at the fact that she didn't notice him right infront of her

Ahsoka:"I should've paid more attention to my surroundings,sorry

She apologized as he shook his head and reached out his hand to her helping her stand

Y/n:"I could say the same for myself so don't sweat it...so where you headed to?"

As Ahsoka got to her feet and briefly dusted herself off she looked up to him and smiled

Ahsoka:"Anakin left me some training recordings because of his recent mission so,im going to catch up on as many as I can"

She explained which made the boy think for a moment

Y/n:"that's actually a good idea,tho personally nothing beats what you learn on a battlefield"

He said folding his arms and sounding confident which got the Togruta to smile and roll her eyes at her friend

Ahsoka:"well mr. Battlefield experience,where are you off to?"

Y/n:"oh im about to go receive an assignment actually"

Ahsoka was a little taken aback by the response and decided to question him a bit further

Ahsoka:"well that was quick,its only been a few days since Kamino,you know anything about what you're doing?"

Y/n:"not yet,but im hoping its nothing to stressful"

Ahsoka:"is that a hint of nervousness I detect from you,oh great Jedi?~"

She cooed in a playful tone as Y/n simply folded his arms and gained a prideful aura

Y/n:"you kidding? I survived an encounter with the head chrome dome there's no task i cant handle"

He said smugly while jabbing his thumb to his chest which made Ahsoka giggle a bit as the silly gesture

Ahsoka:"well then,I guess this is where we part ways for now huh?"

She said her tone becoming a little sad at the thought of not being able to see him again as often as she'd like to,Y/n responded by placing his hand on her head and looking down at her

Y/n:"ah chin up,im sure we'll be fated to cross paths again one day"

He said trying to cheer up her down mood which seemed to work as a smile quickly returned to her face as she gave him a quick hug then pulled back

Ahsoka:"your right,good luck on your mission Y/n and may the force be with you"

Y/n:"may it be with you as well Ahsoka"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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