Chapter 1

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"One bouquet of Silk Flowers coming right up!"

Kaveh went to the maroon silk flower bushes in the greenhouse of Flora's Fresh Flowers and cut a bouquet of silk flowers for the customer. He wrapped them up in pretty branded paper and went to the cash register with the customer. He totaled up the price.

"That will be... $12.50," He told her.

The customer nodded and paid for the bouquet. Kaveh watched her leave. He looked at the time to see it was only 6:51 PM. He sighed. Only around 1 hour left until closing.

"Something on your mind?" A soft female voice asked. Kaveh turned to see it was the shop's owner, Flora. Her head was tilted slightly to the side as she looked at him with concern. Her short, light brown hair fell softly around her face and to her shoulders.

"No, I'm just tired," he responded with a shrug. It has been a long day for him. First, he had to go to his college classes. Next, he had to work on a paper right before coming to his part-time job at Flora's Fresh Flowers.

"That's right, you're a college student." Flora remarked. "You're studying architecture, right? How's that going?"

Kaveh sighs and leans on the counter. "It's just going. Honestly, classes are tough, and my classmates are annoying. I have to finish an architecture project and an essay once I get back to my dorm," he groaned.

Flora was silent for a few moments. "Y'know what? Go home and get your assignments done. That's very important work."

"Huh?" His eyes widened in surprised. "But there's still so much to do here-"

She waved her hand dismissively and gave him a smile. "Don't worry about it! I can close up myself. It's not too difficult."

"Well- uh, okay then. Thank you." Kaveh said before taking off his green apron and hanging it up in the back. He gathered his stuff and was about to head out but looked back at Flora. "Are you sur-"


"Yes ma'am-" He walked out the shop immediately. The wrath of Flora was not to be tempered with.

The setting sun made the sky glow with vibrant oranges, yellows, and pinks. A gentle autumn breeze had tree leaves rustle in the distance. Kaveh walked down the sidewalk of the city, heading back to Teyvat University; both his dream and his nightmare.

Walking back to the university was pleasant, at least. The cool air provided Kaveh the ability to relax and breathe fresh air. A walk outside had always helped him clear his thoughts after a long, exhausting day. For the moments he was out, it let him forget the hardships of being a college student. He could forget all about his classes. Kaveh has achieved internal peace-

"Hey, watch where you're going." A deep voice said.

Welp, there it goes.

Kaveh looked to see who was talking to him. It was one of his classmates from his math class, Alhaitham. He stood over him with his arms crossed. A permanent stoic expression was planted on his face. His gray hair swept over his eyes, masking them slightly. Kaveh scoffed. "You're the one who bumped into me!"

Alhaitham rolled his eyes. "You were the one with your head in the clouds."

"I was just enjoying this peaceful moment before you showed up."

"Whatever. Just be more careful next time," he muttered before walking away.

Kaveh groaned. The nerve of that guy! He had always hated that stupid stoic look of his. Alhaitham was so entitled. Just because he is rich and smart doesn't mean he had to act like that!

Another breeze snapped him back to reality. He should get back to his dorm and finish that assignment before it gets too cold outside. Fall had begun not too long ago, so the nights were getting colder and colder.

Around 15 minutes later, he opened the door to his dorm to find his two roommates, Cyno and Tighnari, playing some card game. They looked over at Kaveh and waved.

"Welcome back," Cyno said, moving some of his white hair out of his face. He was in training to become an officer of some sort, Kaveh didn't know. Cyno looked intimidating enough, but people were only scared of his awful jokes. "Care for a game of TCG after I beat Tighnari?"

"As if you'll win," the other roommate rolled his eyes and ended his round. Tighnari was studying to get a major in ecology. If anything, he should be working at the flower shop instead of him.

"I have to pass the offer, I have an assignment to finish tonight," he said with a groan. "Architecture is so hard sometimes."

"Good luck," Cyno said with a nod. He turned back to playing TCG.

"Thanks," Kaveh said with a yawn. He went to his room in the dorm. That is, if 'room' was the right term for it. It wasn't spacious at all. The room could barely fit a twin sized bed, a desk, and a dresser. It felt more like a big closet.

He set his coat and other things on his bed. Kaveh then opened his dresser and grabbed a change of clothes for after his shower. The bathroom was right across from his room. He got undressed and hopped in the shower.

The best thoughts always come in the shower, so why can't I think of anything?  My mind feels so empty...

Kaveh began to shampoo his hair as he tried to think of ideas he could use for his architecture assignment. It was due in two days, and he had barely started it. There was so much to be done.

He soon stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. His reflection in the mirror stared right back at him. All Kaveh saw was a tired, broke college student with too much on his plate. His dirty blonde hair was dripping wet. Dark circles were embedded under his red eyes. A sigh escaped his lips as he put on his sweatpants and t-shirt.

Kaveh went back to his closet-sized room. He got out his tracing paper, ruler, compass, pencils, and other tools to start his assignment. He turned on his desk lamp and began to work for the night.

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