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"Woah...! The metal heated up so quickly! The sword makers would love this!"

Tanjiro looks over at Iida who looks extremely confused. "And you said we can cook food with this?!"

"Y-yes, that's what i said."

"Wow! Its so cool, Iida-san!"

"TANJIRO LOOK! THIS ONE MAKES FIRE! AND IT'S BLUE!?" Zenitsu's attention immediately shifts to the sound of running water. The sight of Nezuko crouched on the sink makes his jaw drop. "WOAH! LOOK AT NEZUKO!"

Nezuko is currently playing with a faucet, turning the water off and on.

"W-water!? Inside?!"

"Look Tanjiro! I think this is a furnace!"

They both open it up and stick their heads in it. "There's no coal in this, how does it work?"

"Hey guys, i dont think you should put your entire heads in there..."

"Does the coal go in here?" Zenitsu takes his head out and points to a compartment on the bottom of the oven.

"Its called an oven, and it doesnt need coal Agatsuma-san! You pick how hot you want and it gets hot by itself." Iida says, pointing at the knobs.

"So cool...I wish Inosuke were here, he would definitely like this." Tanjiro says, sitting on a chair at the island, examining a handheld can opener. His eyes narrow as he analyzes the gears and twists the knob slowly.
"You were the one who knocked him out Tanjiro..."

"Eh heh heh..."

"Kamado-san, Agatsuma-san, If you dont mind, I'd like to know more about your other acquaintance Hashibira-san, to help me understand him better." Iida says politely, standing on the other side of the island, hands clasped together.

"Well, Inosuke is... a little excitable sometimes, and its kinda hard to reason with him when he's made up his mind, but," Tanjiro smiles at the can-opener, though its obvious that it isnt the reason he's smiling. "He's passionate about everything he does, and he's 100% dependable as a fighter and as a friend. Right Zenitsu?"

"Eh...I'd bump that hundred percent down to about 15% for me."

"Oh really? Well, even so, I haven't been in a situation where Inosuke's let me down, so my answer is still 100%!"

Zenitsu looks away shyly and plays with his fingers. "Hey Tanjiro-chan...what do you think of me, hm~? How dependable am i~?"

Tanjiro smiles at this.

"You're really nice Zenitsu, and really smart too! You're fun to be around and you always make laugh!" Tanjiro gives Zenitsu a thumbs up.

"You're 100% dependable!"

"Tanjiro-chan...that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me...waaah!" Zenitsu grabs Tanjiro's Haori and begins to cry on it.


Inosuke opens his eyes and immediately screams, sitting up abruptly.

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