A Bond

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A bond
That's what i need
With someone who can hold
The string for forever
Or as long as they are told

A bond
That trusts me
And that believes in my soul
That knows I can do anything
And if I fail who can console

A bond
That doesn't judge me
For who i am and who i was
That can correct my mistakes
And everything about me who knows

A bond
That apologises
And forgives me easily
That can find the better me
And loves me for being silly

A bond
That cheers me up
And consumes my worries
That can see through my head
And only positivity in me who sees

A bond
That is mine
On my worst days
And sufferes with me
In my good and bad phase

A bond
That teaches me
How powerfull I can be
And helps me to get up
When I fall on my knee

A bond
That walks with me
Whenever I want company
And shows me the right path
When I'm not able to see

A bond
That reaches first
When ever I need help
That is the purest ever
A bond that I have with myself.

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