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Isla huffed taking a breath after passing the ball up the pitch to find Jacobs feet letting out a smile as she sprinted towards the boy ready to congratulate him on the goal "what a goal Jacob." Jacob grabbed her hugging her tightly "that long ball assist Isla I swear you have gotten so good." The pair smiled at each other before hearing Amanda and Natalie screaming at them to get back to their positions as their opponents took tip to restart.
Leah laughed at the six year old holding her medal looking at it like she had won the World Cup "happy with it then." Isla looked up at the now ten year old "I know it doesn't compare to any of your Arsenal medals Lee but this is my first one." Leah smiled grabbing the medal to look at it "nah this medal is better then any of my ones trust me." Isla couldn't help but smile happily as she grabbed the older girls hand walking to the car. "Hey don't leave me behind." The pair turned to Jacob as he ran up holding his golden boot trophy under his arm "Lee Isla guess what Dad told me there's trials at Tottenham and that I could go he signed me up already." Leah smiled at her younger brother "that's great buddy you will do amazing I'm sure it eh Isla." Isla looked up at Leah "what do we think of Tottenham." Isla looked around for any parents that might scold her before whispering to Leah "shit." Leah laughed before continuing on "and what do we think of shit." Isla smiled at Jacob as he pretend to be annoyed "Tottenham." Leah laughed swinging her hand that was holding Isla's "that's my girl." Jacob let out a laugh "no it's no she's my best friend." Leah smiled tugging Isla towards her "oh yeah bet you can't take her away from me." The pair gotten into a friendly fight of pulling and pushing Isla between them as she laughed "hey I have two hands you can both hold them and then I can your best friend and Leah's girl ok." The pair smiled happily taking a hold of the younger girls hands before walking towards the car as their mums smiled at them adoring the way they all got on.
Jacob had been gone all day at the Tottenham trial as Isla sat in the front garden waiting for any sign of him. Amanda looked out her window watching the younger girl smiling softly before going out to her "hi missus what are you doing sat out here." Isla looked up smiling softly at the older woman "waiting for Jacob so we can play." Amanda smiled at her "oh honey he won't be home till Sunday night did he not tell you his dad and him are going to the match tomorrow after his trials today." Isla stood up dusting her self off letting out a quite oh in disappointment, Amanda's eyes softened as she looked at the girl "I'll tell you what is your Mum home." Isla nodded "right then let's head inside while I talk to her for a second." Isla sat in between Charlie and Melia watching an episode of keeping up with the Kardashian's, she had no idea who they where or why her sisters where watching it but she had nothing else to do as Amanda sat talking to her Mum in the kitchen. "Hey Pumpkin could you come here for a second." Isla raced off the couch and into the kitchen looking at her Mum quizzically "I was just talking to your Mum and Leah and I have a spare ticket to the Arsenal women's match in Meadow park tomorrow as well why don't you come with me to Leah's training for Arsenal you can see what it's like tonight and your Mum has said if I think your good you can have a sleepover yeah." Isla's eyes lit up like she has just been told she was getting a puppy "can I really that would be so cool." Amanda smiled at the young girl "go get your clothes and head over to me when your ready then we will go get leah alright." Isla didn't need to be told twice as she raced up the stairs.
Isla stood on the sidelines watching the older girls go through their drills as Amanda stood beside her "you ok Isla." Isla didn't take her eyes off the scene in front of her but nodded letting out a soft hum. The girls had broken into pair's practicing their passing when Leah looked around realising they where a player down "Lucy pair off with Casey I'll get a new partner." Leah walked over towards her Mum and the younger girl "everything alright Bubs." Leah smiled nodding at her mum "all good we are just a player short Isla want to pass with me." Isla's eyes sparkled nodding her head before grabbing her hand as the older girl led her over before grabbing the ball "right stand here and we are doing long passes Isla just like in the back garden yeah." Isla nodded getting ready to receive the ball "and don't worry if yours goes the wrong way alright. Amanda couldn't help the smile that took over her face as she watched the pair pass back and forth Isla concentrating extra hard trying to make sure she could connect it to Leah as best as possible. "That was perfect Isla now this one is chipping it yeah so again if you can't do it don't worry just pass it back to me ok." Isla nodded again getting ready to receive the ball. Leah's teammates watched on amazed as the six year old connected some of the balls to Leah as well as received it on a first touch no problem.
  Isla was passed out in the back of the car on the drive home as the trio made their way back both Leah and Amanda keeping an eye on the younger girl making sure she was comfortable "I think you have a teammate in a few years Bubba." Leah smiled "I don't think I could ask for a better one."
  Isla woke up excitement coursing through her with the realisation that they would be going to an Arsenal match today the team and players she had heard Leah talk about so passionately. Leah huffed beside her pulling her closer to her in the bed as Isla turned poking the older girl "Lee it's match day." Leah groaned "I know but shhh it's not time to get up yet Isla go back to sleep." Isla sighed before cuddling into Leah's chest closing her eyes as Leah welcomed it knowing she would get a lie in.
  The pair had been screaming the minute Arsenal where lead out by Kelly Smith all the way to the final whistle when Leah had grabbed Isla's hand pulling her in front of her as the players began their lap "stand here they might come over then mum can take a picture yeah." Isla nodded watching excitedly as Alex Scott came over "hi there what's your name "Isla oh my god your Alex Scott your my favourite." Alex smiled looking at Leah "who's this then "Isla smiled at the older girl "this is my second best friend Leah she's a massive Arsenal fan." Alex laughed at Leah's offended face at the second place she had just been awarded "shall we take a photo and sign something." Isla nodded turning to smile at the camera Amanda was holding beside Leah grabbing her hand as a comfort before turning back to Alex "I don't have anything for you to sign but Leah has her jersey." Alex smiled signing Leah's jersey before looking around "I'll tell you what have mine I'll sign it." Isla nodded her head enthusiastically muttering out a thank you before Alex began taking off her jersey. Leah couldn't help but laugh as she watched the likes of Kelly Smith and Rachel Yankey make there way over offering to sign the jersey and Isla refusing but taking a photo instead stating it was an Alex Scott jersey and she was the only signature allowed.
  Isla spent the rest of the night telling her family all about her two day adventure with the Williamson women and how she couldn't wait for Arsenal trails so that maybe one day herself and Leah could play together.

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