25: Eri's Camp

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Remaining dry had not been an option. The downpour of rain fell relentlessly through varying cascades of descending leaves, soaking the group thoroughly before adequate shelter was found.

Eri worked mutely in synchronization with her brother and Tezaro to arrange camp. They had done this so many times before each knew their tasks well. Eri didn't mind the rain, it was the elf that had her in a foul mood. There was something about him that made her wary. Dusk chased the storm clouds away as they shared a meager meal with Eri sitting atop a large branch above the campsite.

The girl puzzled her. She spoke differently and not with any regional dialect she knew. If Aurora's sister was kidnapped by General Fennaris then that meant one or both was a half-blood. Or they posed a threat to him. How? Her eyes stopped at Odiwen sitting beside the girl and talking in hushed tones, undoubtedly about magic, though the chattering of the trees made it difficult to tell. His food was untouched, again. Magic tended to blind her brother to all other needs. How can this one girl have the answers to Larn's death, be a threat to Fennaris and be needed by Anthonias? Who was she?

When Tezaro skillfully flanked Aurora by shoving Lucas out of the way, Eri's forehead wrinkled. Was he protecting her from the elf or was there something more? The gesture seemed possessive. He didn't take his eyes off her. Belodwin's balls! Eri snorted to contain a laugh. Tezaro courting a woman, this would be fun to watch. She'd never seen him like this before. Eri ate the last of her biscuit then descended to join them, eager to observe Tezaro's choice.

"You're a sorcerer?" Aurora asked Odiwen skeptically. Eri settled in for the lecture Aurora was about to receive. Perhaps she should have stayed on the branch out of hearing distance.

"A mage, actually. A sorcerer implies the manipulation of magic from others, such as stealing magical energy from living beings. Magi refuse to abuse others in that manner." A small ball of light floated above Odiwen's open palm. "We harness the natural energy within us though it may deplete our own physical strength. With discipline it becomes easier and the loss of strength less considerable. From what Tezaro tells me, you're a mage too." He closed his hand to extinguish the light.

That comment perked up Eri's ears. Tezaro hadn't mentioned that to her before. Aurora shrugged then gave a short awkward nod, as if she was ashamed of her gift. Eri had never met a mage that didn't want to talk about runes and spells. Put two magi together and they'd dominate any conversation.

"Your powers aren't accepted among your people?" Eri asked and was surprised when Aurora shook her head.

"Magic isn't common or accepted where I come from. Without someone to show me what to do, it's been difficult to control it, at least, until recently." Her eyes went to her feet and she bit her lip in some guilty manner.

She's hiding something.

"Why isn't it accepted?" Her brother asked.

Aurora seemed reluctant to answer and shifted her gaze to Tezaro. What is going on between these two?

"Odiwen." Tezaro warned.

Eri recognized that tone. There was something he didn't want to discuss. But why? Her eyes landed on Lucas, sitting next to her, and completely engrossed in their conversation. Ah ha.

"Soon." Her brother returned the stare, determined to get his way.


"Alone." Odiwen insisted.

"No." Tezaro's clipped response was immediate.

There they go again with their one-word arguments. Still, Tezaro hadn't been this protective of anyone since Larn. Why didn't he want her brother speaking to Aurora? Out of habit she grabbed one of her knives and spun it in her hand, puzzling out what was bothering her. Tezaro was different. Had acted differently since Morid.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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