New Beginning

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Somewhere in the fire capital:

We can see two figures sitting in the field, there was an old man, or assumed an old man who had white hair and a headband that had a kanji for oil written on it, sitting across the field was Naomi who had bright yellow hair and dark blue eyes and had three whisker marks on each side of her face. {Naomi looks like fem Naruto except she has Minato's hair and eyes color and is five years old}. She was very excited as her sensei had said today she will be learning charka training and also find out about her elemental nature. Unlike Naruto she did not have the abilities of a sensor nor did she have Naruto's smarts, she about the existence of the boy from her sensei who had told her that there was a boy who was similar to her, she wanted to meet the boy as they were similar to each other and also help him as she learned that the boy was an orphan.

Naomi: When are we going to start sensei, she practically yelled as she could no longer contain her excitement, Jiraya just sighed as he replied 

Jiraya: Have some patience Naomi, now come over here and pour some chakra into this paper he said as he demonstrated it to Naomi she watched in wonder as the paper turned to dirt and then burnt away.

Jiraya: Now Naomi when you pour chakra into the paper reacts to your chakra, the paper will burn away indicating you have a fire nature, crumble for lighting, wet for water, split in two for wind, and then finally turn to dirt for the earth, now I have two natures as the paper reacted bu turning into dust and then burnt away, now you try this Naomi, Jiraya said as he handed over the paper to Naomi what happened next blew his mind Naomi also had two chakra natures that being wind and lighting they were same elements as Minato but he frowned when he noticed that Naomi did not inherit any elemental natures from her mother but he quickly put that taught away when he saw Naomi jump up and down in excitement he wondered how the other one was doing right now he felt bad for leaving a child alone but he knew his student Minato would never make a mistake so he just followed the plan.

Jiraya: Alright gaki now listen up we are going to learn chakra control exercises then we will move on to elemental control exercises. Jiraya shouted

Naomi: Hai sensei. {Just so you know Jiraya is still a pervert but he also trained Naomi properly not unlike in canon where he didn't train Naruto because he taught Minato's request was very important he also apparently believed that Naomi was the child of prophecy only with time will he realize he was wrong haiz :(}

Then for the next year, Naomi learnt all the basic chakra control exercises from sticking a leaf onto her forehead then balancing it on her fingertips then she moved on to balancing kunai in her fingertips finally moving on to balancing spinning kunai on her fingertips while also keeping the leaf stuck to her forehead. Then she began to move on to the tree climbing exercises she found it hard as she could not get the right amount she either put in too little chakra or too much chakra, at last after a month she was finally able to get it done she moved onto water walking exercises she found it relatively easy as it was similar to water walking exercise, she also found out that she found it hard to control her chakra Jiraya figured that it was nine tails that was messing with her chakra control. So he drew a seal on Naomi's palm to help her control her chakra better and it worked she found it was easy to control her chakra with the help of the seal. Jiraya also learned that Naomi had a keke-gengai known as lighting release, which allowed her slow down things surrounding her and move quickly, so Jiraya began teaching her fun just as he wanted her to learn lighting thunder god and follow in her father's time skip.

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