Sweet & Bitter

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Jaewon loved his job as a baker at his family's bakery. He enjoyed waking up early in the morning, preparing the dough, mixing the ingredients, and baking the cakes and pastries that made his customers happy. He always greeted them with a smile and a friendly word, and they often complimented him on his handsome appearance and cheerful personality. Jaewon was content with his simple and sweet life, and he didn't have any big ambitions or dreams. He just wanted to make people happy with his delicious creations.

Taeyoung hated his job as a lawyer at a prestigious law firm. He hated waking up early in the morning, dressing up in a suit, reviewing the documents, and arguing the cases that made his clients rich. He always greeted them with a frown and a cold word, and they often criticized him on his harsh attitude and cynical outlook. Taeyoung was unhappy with his stressful and bitter life, and he had many big ambitions and dreams. He wanted to make himself successful and powerful, no matter what it took.

One day, Jaewon and Taeyoung met by chance at a coffee shop near their workplaces. Jaewon was taking a break from his busy morning shift, and Taeyoung was waiting for his next meeting. They both ordered the same drink, a caramel macchiato, and their orders got mixed up by the barista. Jaewon noticed the mistake first, and approached Taeyoung with a smile.

"Excuse me, I think this is your drink," Jaewon said, holding out the cup with Taeyoung's name on it.

Taeyoung looked up from his phone, annoyed by the interruption. He glanced at Jaewon, who was wearing a white apron with flour stains on it, and then at the cup in his hand, which had Jaewoung's name on it.

"What?" Taeyoung snapped.

"I'm sorry, but I think we got our drinks switched. This is yours, right?" Jaewon repeated, pointing at the name on the cup.

Taeyoung rolled his eyes, and snatched the cup from Jaewon's hand.

"Yeah, whatever. Thanks," Taeyoung said sarcastically.

He took a sip of the drink, and made a face of disgust.

"Ugh, this is too sweet. How can you drink this?" Taeyoung complained.

Jaewon shrugged, unfazed by Taeyoung's rudeness.

"I like sweet things. They make me happy," Jaewon said.

Taeyoung scoffed.

"Happy? What do you know about happiness? You're just a baker. You have no idea what real life is like," Taeyoung said.

Jaewon smiled.

"Maybe not. But I know what makes me happy. And that's enough for me," Jaewon said.

He took a sip of his drink, and smiled again.

"Mmm, this is perfect. Just the right amount of bitterness," Jaewon said.

Taeyoung stared at him incredulously.

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