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Have you ever wondered if theres going to be a certain thrill to your life? Well yeah thats me, Kylie Montes. I mean my life is so exciting that you would most likely want to live it!

Hah! You thought I was being serious huh? Well I mean a story has got to start somewhere so why don't we just start here.

Two months ago:

"Hey Kylie wait up!" Says one of my co-workers. "Yes Luke?" I try to say as nicely as I can. "Miranda was wondering if you can cover for her?"
"Of course she was. Whats her dilemma now? Hmm maybe it's that she's out fucking everything once again huh?" I said annoyed. "You just cause you don't like my twin doesn't mean you have to be a major bitch about it. But anways can you cover her shift or not?" Luke says annoyed.

"Sure why not."

"Kay thanks Kylie!" He said while shoving past me..

Sometimes I really hate my job. Working at a stupid fucking run down diner that no one likes to visit or any god forsaken restaurant in this town. Can't wait till graduation in four months! Maybe then I'll have enought to move out of this place.

4 hours later: (imagine the spongebob guy saying that cx)

Fucking hell I need to feed again.. god damn it. "Mom I'm going out!" *rolls eyes* "whatever." Of course my mom wouldn't care she's little fucking slut. Ehh I mean not really... oh who am I kidding she's the 37 years old who still parties and does acid.

I grabbed my car keys and hit the road don't ask me what type of car it is because I have no idea. Anyways while I'm driving I automatically know the way in which I'm heading to. I mean I've only been like a thousand times since that night....


Let me know how the chapter was good horrible? I just want an honest opinion. I think this is the most I've ever written lol. Plus I didn't really have any ideas for this book I just kinda started this off on a whim but whatever.




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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