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"See that brown spikey haired muscular kid. That's Hance Grayshaw the mysterious hazel eyed hottie. People say he's only quiet because he gets abused by his brother. The thing is there is no brother. None that we have ever heard of."

"Megan why are you telling me this?" I remark

"So you can be aware of the truths behind these let me continue. See the curly head. Yea thats Chris Chasings the funny yet stupid daring one. But all that changed."

"Oh so there is no bad part about him?" I ask. I turn to look at Chris and all I see is a curly headed hazel eyed muscular boy. His lip piercing makes him look more like a badass,and his body looks yummy in that tank. He noticed me staring and I gave him a soft smile and he returned one too. But something was wrong. The look in his eyes were...

"Salwa! Did you hear me?"

"Sorry Megan I was dozing off..."

"Look no one knows how to properly talk to him ... He's been alot different ever since the incident."

"Wait what incident?!?"

"Last year Chris and his brother Danny went to a party in the woods. Everyone was there doing their own things. Chris and Danny were really close like seriously they were twins. Anyway they drank to much and decided to pull a prank on the rest of the gang. It involved Danny being in the woods disguised as a serial killer. When Chris was heading out of the woods to get the boys he heard a scream. And he recognized it so he ran to Danny only to see him bleeding in a mysterious mans grip. Chris said before he was knocked out the man took Danny alive.People know it was all just a big blur to him.Danny was never to be found."

After hearing the story I felt like I was getting close to them even though we hardly even spoke. I was finally learning that these popular kids had alot of truths about them.hidden secrets and hard times they have gone through. I can imagine the pain Chris must feel because I felt the same when I lost my dad in a shooting accident. Auden comes and sits with us she then tells me more about the one and only Joey Potts.

"Joey Potts. He's sweet once you get close to him but honestly he's a dick. He does anything to get what he wants and he just pushes people away. I swear its like all those kids are hiding something."

It's true. These kids are hiding something. Each and every one of them have a truth be told secret. I then think of Logan and wonder what he's hiding from me. And to think he never tells me anything it kind of hurt.

"Do you guys think Logan's hiding something from me?"

"Why don't you find out. Speak of the devil look who it is."

I turn to see Logan,Hance,Chris and Joey make their way over. I examined the boys individual features and I noticed their flaws. I noticed Logan's imperfect teeth and Chris's odd nose freckle. But what caught my eye was the bruise on Hance's beautiful jawline he noticed me staring and reacted by turning away.

"I....uhh... ran into a pole one night. I guess drinking does take it's toll." He jokes. But I look into his hazel brown eyes and notice the hurt. The same look took over Chriis except he had the whole pissed off look.

"Hance over here should shut up about having a drinking problem what haven't you learned mate." Chris stated. Hearing his voice for the first time was amazing because this kid was Australian my first Australian hot friend.

"I'm Grayshaw.....Hance Grayshaw."

"Ay! mate don't even try pulling the James Bond move it won't work fuckar! Anyways I'm chr-"

"Helloo boobs...uh I mean hey I'm Joey but I know you already heard of me you kinda want to bang me." Joey says with a wink.

"Yea no. And I already know about you guys Nice to meet you Hance. Chris.Joey...."

"Oh so you know that I have a abusive brother?" Hance stated.

" must of heard how much of a dick I am huh babe." Joey fake whimpers.

"And that I have a lost twin ey?" Chris fights the knot in his throat.

"Let me guess the slore told you?" Joey smirked.

"She's not a slore so fuck off Joey and she was right your a dick and you're not worth my time.!"

"Wow Salwa calm down Joeys stupid give him a break."Logan interrupted.

"Look love we mean no harm how bout you come to the beach bash tomorrow and maybe we all can get to know each other." Chris whispered softly.

"And maybe I can get in your pants!!" Joey inturrupts.

"Not gonna happen cunt.! And I'd love to come as long as you keep Joey away from me."

"It's set then we will see you tomorrow ma lady." Logan jokes.

Wow. My first party since arriving in San Diego no wait my first party ever. This is going to be awesome. I started making my way home and noticed a big nice black Range Rover drift off ahead of me and come to a stop. At first I thought it was one of the boys pulling my leg. But it wasn't . I walked past it curious it was to dark to see who it was but it was a male figure. I ignore the car and make it home. After a long day I shower and head back to my room in my towel. I strip of the towel and look for my pajamas. I'm inturrupted by the vibration of my phone.


Thanks for the show babe nice tits. Can't wait to have you as mine love.


I throw my towel back on and head to the window. And that's when I see the same black Range Rover from earlier. It's lights flicked twice as it drove away. My heart raced and disgust filled me. What the fuck just happened.


Hey whoever is wasting their time and reading my story should I continue the story I feel like no one is reading it and I need followers like now.

What do you think is going to happen?

Who do you think mystery range rover is?

Do you think the boys are hiding something more?

Stay tuned cunts

-xoxo gossip girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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