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A dark, loud, bustling bar, one of those bars you spend your twenties in. Maya is with Hazel Sterling and Ryan.

They sit at a table full of shots and in the middle of telling a HEATED story.

HAZEL- MJ I love you but he's kinda right.

STERLING- Thank you!

MAYA- Hazel? Seriously? no he isn't.

RYAN- Im on Maya's side.

Maya smiles.

MAYA-Thank you Ryan.

STERLING-he's only saying that because he hasn't read your notes.

MAYA- my notes aren't hard to read.

STERLING- Yall have a grocery list right.

Maya looks at him confused.

MAYA-Yeah so.

STERLING-Can we see it?

MAYA- It's gone now.

HAZEL- I still have it.

MAYA- Bitch?!

HAZEL- Sorry girl Im a little drunk and this is kinda fun.

Maya rolls her eyes as Hazel hands Sterling a grocery list.

STERLING- first thing... No FAYO?

MAYA- Non Fat Yogurt?

STERLING- Wah Wee Pen?

MAYA- Whole Wheat Penne...duh.

Hazel laughs.

STERLING-(sarcastic)right because why havent I thought of that? Max Flow Tamp.

Ryan smiles like a little kid.

RYAN- I know that one.

STERLING-okay that one made a little sense...but the rest of these come on.

MAYA-You're just not open minded.

STERLING- I'm very opened minded.

Sterling grabs his drink and shakes his head. When a hot girl walks over and approaches them looking at Sterling.

GIRL- long time no see Sterling.

Sterling smiles at her.

STERLING- it has you been?

The girl begins whispering in his ear. Sterling is shocked a little but won't show it.

Hazel sips her drink and Maya makes a disgusted face.

GIRL- if you're free me.

STERLING- Will do.

The girl smiles and walks away, Sterling watches her and then laughs a little.

MAYA- it's  that easy?


MAYA- to get a guy to just hook up with you.

RYAN- pretty much.

STERLING- I'm not me and this girl have had sex before.

HAZEL- I don't think that's helping your argument friend.

STERLING- Look if an attractive girl who I happen to have fun with wants to have sex again why wouldn't I?

RYAN- now that helps his argument.

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