A place where Jays not suppose to go(pt 1/3)

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Jay comes into Pan's and Dustin's lab while they're not their and looks around. There were containment chambers with.. unknown entities in them. There were many shelves with body parts, serums, potions, etc. There were also animatronic suits, Unknown ones. One of the experiments slammed on the windows and hissed at Jay. He was an unfamiliar face and the experiment didn't like it. A robot.. butler? was staring at Jay, seemingly with confusion. Jay is drawn to the serums and potions he inspects them closer while keeping aware of his surrounding. jay picks up the potions, serums and inspects them. Jay also flipped off the hissing experiment. One of the potions he does recognize, but other he didn't so he ending up asking the butler robot what was in the contents of a particular bottle. The butler stayed silent. This wasn't one of his masters. 

 Butler: ..Who are you first?

Jay: why should I tell when you wont remember me anyway.

Butler: How would I not remember you, sir? I was made with magnificent memory..

Jay: I'll answer your question, I suppose... Call me Matthews. Now my question, what is in this bottle? what was used to create this potion? What is it suppose to do?

Butler: Hmm.. That is one of my master's personal potions. I could not tell you, only he could.

Jay: Dustin's - curios tone- or Pan's -bored tone-

Butler: Yes, Dustin's. He is the only one that creates potions. Pan creates the serums.

Jay: nice to know -his tail slightly wags-

Butler: he simply nodded and glanced at the time Dustin will be here in exactly 2 minutes. The experiments need fed.

Jay: !... my que to leave, tell Dustin I'm proud, but I'm taking this Teleports out with potion into a spatial rift to be invisible to anything and everything

Butler: ..Yes sir.

Jay hasn't left just waiting for Dustin to watch him. The 2 minutes has passed and a blob of the void appears on the floor. Dustin emerges from it and stretches 

Dustin: ..Valkor, why does it feel off in here. 

Butler: I do not know, sir. But K273, 89@@, and Vermon are ready for their foods. 

Dustin: nods I see.. he shifts slightly and goes to the shelf with body parts, grabbing a jar with a stomach, one with a heart, and one with a head. ..are you sure nobody was here? 

Butler: Master, there is only one way in. 

Dustin: I know I know.. sighs.

Jay more curiously watches Dustin. Dustin starts to remove the organs and head out of the jars, going towards one containment room and opening the door. The experiment immediately charges out and sniffs around. Dustin simply watched the experiment before using the stomach tube and wrapping it around the experiment's neck and dragging it back into the room.

Dustin: Don't do that again, K273. Now eat. 

K273: soft whine before eating the stomachDustin walked to the other chamber and opened the door, tossing in the head and immediately shutting the door .

Dustin: "...Enjoy, 89@@." 

89@@: loud snarl before consuming the headDustin walked to the final chamber, his usual happy neutral face immediately fading as he opened the door with a very.. very dull and emotionless expression 

 Vermon: "Go away.

Dustin: "That isnt how you speak to your father, now is it, Vermon?" he stepped into the chamber and dragged out a strawberry blonde child, around the age of 14.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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