The Deadly Beauty

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He looked through her eyes, at her soul
Astonished that how can someone be so pure.
Her soul was as white as of an Angel,
But her blood was as dark as that of Lucifer.

Such deadly beauty, was never seen by him until this hour,
Having such deadly powers inside her,
But was still not marred,
With the cruelty of the world.

She was like those beautiful, alluring flowers,
Those enticing, magnificent Roses
That won over many
From it's beauty and scent,
But it also have those sharp thorns,
Yet still people never show their discontent.

He was captivated, by the pureness of her soul,
A total contrast to that of his,
Whose soul and Heart were both black as tar.

He saw through her expressionless face, reading the book,
The grievances and sorrows,
That she has faced,
That no spark of hope in her still heart,
That suffered a lot in the past.

At first glance the maiden,
Looked just like that delicate and fragile flower ,
That will break at a single touch,
But when you see more,
She seemed like that poisonous Ivy ,
That big thorn on the Rose
That can injure you severely,
And that she do.

A deadly beauty, who knows, how many hearts did she broke,
But still people can't help but fall and so was he.

The longer he looked at her, into her eyes,
The deeper he fell in the deep abyss of love,
So deep that it was impossible to come out of it.

It was day time when he stood, a ten metre away,
Staring at the young maiden that sat under the tree reading some book.

The passer-by who saw warned him,
They said to leave,
As he will be disappointed,
Because the beauty was not what it seemed.

It was not real but an illusion, that people see always,
It was in reality a monster who lived beside that lake,
Feeding on the souls that approached by,
And eating them alive without a single cry.

When he didn't moved the people left,
They all thought that he was also deceived,
By the beauty of the monster and will soon be dead,
But what they didn't knew that it was not the outward beauty that enticed him,
But it was the soul,
He never fell in love with her face but her pureness.

Even if he will become blind in future,
He will still fall in love with her over and over,
Because what he saw was not the beauty outside,
Or the rumors in the village,
But that soul that was trapped inside that lonely beauty.

The Deadly Beauty (Poem)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz