Double Trouble

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The following day, as I was heading to the museum, I noticed something unexpected. A group of police officers were inspecting the building, and many people had gathered around. I made my way inside and was shocked to realize that the Tezcatlipoca statue was missing. I was scared and hoped that whoever took it had good intentions, but I also feared that someone had stolen it. Suddenly, I received a phone call.


"Hey,Riyo you must see this, Riyo?"

"Argus?!. What one earth are you doing? Are you responsible for this?"

"No, Lyra, I am also working here at the museum, but someone stole the statue. I will show you to the surveillance room, go here, and I will show you the footage.

I went all alone by myself at the surveillance room, although I really hate Argus for what he did to me before, but this time, I hope to trust him even though my heart is meant for someone. He then met me there and at the same time he showed me the footage.

There was a man wearing in black stealing the statue, but his motives were not known. Why did he do that? But I was shocked and asked Argus about that.

"So you mean that guys steal the statue."

"Yes, Lyra, at the same time, he was known for stealing other statues in well-known museums as well as jewelries and other auction related objects."

"What is his name?"

We still do not know about him."

After a while, the police entered the room and came to speak with us.

"Sir or madam, we have identified the culprit. He goes by the name of Alfredo Montes and he is infamous for stealing valuable items from auctions and museums. He has already stolen several well-known sculptures, such as the statue of Mars, the painting of Pygmalion and Galatea, and most recently, the Tezcatlipoca statue here in Mexico."

"Do you know where he is, sir? I need to come. Please let me come with you."

"Mam, but this is a very dangerous mission to do."

"I need to come, please. I know how to handle this situation."

"Alright, but please be careful."

"Thank you, sir."

I went with them in order to help at the same time. I need to rescue him as soon as possible.

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