Chapter 1.

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The soft light from the sun shining in through the trees light up my crème bedroom walls, every so often a bird would perch on the bedroom windowsill chirping away to  its summer song. This time of year has always been tranquil for me—

"Are you ready to go?!" — until it isn't tranquil.

I cram my phone charger and a book into my tote bag as my bedroom door swings open, just missing me by a few inches. I jump backwards and turn around with a stern look on my face.

"Jihyo!" I yell, putting my hand over my heart and taking a dramatically large breath.

"Mina, we were supposed to leave an hour ago." Jihyo crosses her arms and lean up against my door frame.
"Well, lucky for you I just finished packing." I smile and pick up my tote bag.

Jihyo looks at me and then to my large suitcase and back to me.
"That's all?" She laughs softly and picks up my suitcase by its handle.

"What do you mean?" I look over at her as I sling my bag over my shoulder and pick my phone up from my bed, putting it in my Jean pocket.

"Momo brought two suitcases" Jihyo carefully walks down the hallway and to the top of my stairs.

"Two?!" I pause in my footsteps and look at Jihyo, who has began to tackle the stairs with my suitcase.

Jihyo finally makes it down the stairs and I follow behind her.
"Where is Momo?" I ask, picking up my house keys from the table at the front door.

"Outside" Jihyo leans down to tie her lace before we leave.
"You left her standing outside?" I ask, feeling bad for the amount of time I took to get ready.

"She's in the car" Jihyo stands up and fixes her skirt.
"Ready to go?" She asks with a smile.

I could feel the excitement fill me as I nodded.

Me and Jihyo make our way out of my small two bedroom townhouse, it sits st the corner of a busy street, just down from my restaurant, I always ahead of everyone else, I knew from when I was young I would own a restaurant. I love cooking, it's my passion, sometimes I think it's one of the only things I'm good at.

"Mina!" Momo looks up from her phone when she heard the footsteps coming down the path.
"Momo!" I smile and run over to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a hug.

"It's been too long" she smiles as she places a soft kiss on my cheek with a cheeky smile.
"Agreed" I nod and lean into the kiss, feeling the joy of being with my friends again.

"Momo, open the car for me" Jihyo shouts from the gate to get our attention.

Momo nods and pulls Jihyos car keys out of her pocket, she escapes my hold and walks over to the back of the car to put away my bags.

I get in the backseat and place my tote bag at my feet, wanting to keep it close incase I get cold or bored since I ever so smartly packed a blanket and a book.

Jihyo gets in the drivers seat and Momo gets in the passenger seat. I can sense the tiredness coming off of Momo, we planned this road trip for her. She just finished university, she's going to be a doctor.

Jihyo is still figuring her life out, she's a waitress at my restaurant, a valued one at that, she always serves with a smile on her face, it's workers like that we need.

"Mina, what are you thinking about back there?" Jihyos voice brings me back to reality.
"Hm?" I hum and look up
"She's deep in thought about our plans, she always has to be ahead!" Momo chuckles, Jihyo joins in.
I hang my head slightly knowing it's the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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