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I found myself kneeling, facing the cold stone floor while waiting for my death.
Monsters were shouting, screaming, some even pleading for me. But their voices only gave out nonsense to me. Only static was ringing. Loud and clear, almost calming if one could say.

My hands were bloody. My coat was torn. My head was banging and my throat was hurting. I was lucky to have dodged that slice back then, I would've been dusted.
Even if I dodged, I was choked half to death. Not that it mattered.

I deserved to die.

I deserved to be killed.

I deserved it.

But strangely, his voice crept into my consciousness from the depths of my mind. "Er__r? _____ don't _____ l___ that!"

The noises around me quieted, making me snap back into reality. I almost let out a faint chuckle. Foolish... The only audible noise now was the rhythmic flapping of two pairs of wings descending nearby. I dared not lift my head, lest it meet the same fate as those before me—rolling off the platform.

"Raise your head." A cold, yet familiar voice spoke aloud.

I did so, avoiding direct eye contact with the man. Shame and exhaustion were etched on my face, and I made no effort to conceal them. The man, whom I once called my King, or perhaps "father," stood before me, clutching a sword in his hand. His gaze bore into me with a mix of bitterness and anger, as though I were the most repulsive thing he had ever laid eyes upon.

A female stood on his right, his wife, my mother, the Queen. She was holding her tears back, her mascara was dripping. Her whole face was ruined by her weeping. She was looking at me, at my bruised and battered body.

"You...HOW DARE YOU?! YOU BASTARD! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"  The Queen's voice boomed, her fury palpable as she nearly lunged towards me, poised to strike, kick, or worse. Her maids were at her aid, holding her back and quietly whispering something. I couldn't hear their words but I could tell they were soothing.

"Silence!"  The King commanded, effectively quieting his wife, who obediently ceased her tirade, refraining from uttering another hurtful word towards me.

I glanced around, but none of my closer ones were there. Not even my friends. What a shame. Only unfamiliar faces and some familiar ones. I hated all of them.


Why did it come to this? I only wished for him! Nothing else. Fate... you're cruel.

...brothers.......forgive me.

"Look at me, you disgraceful being." The King stomped on the cold floor, making the whole room shake. Everyone gasped and held for dear life. He was angry.

A heavy silence enveloped the room, my fear immobilizing me as I dared not even twitch a muscle in the presence of the royals and the others.

The King stayed silent for a few moments. Judging me coldly. I could sense where his gaze was, giving me a chilling sensation. It almost gave me goosebumps..almost...

"You... offspring of common birth yet also of royal lineage," he spoke, now with a slightly calmer demeanor, "You... shall face punishment."

As cheers erupted throughout the room, I remained silent. Punishments meted out by the King in the Underworld were known to be either excruciatingly painful or deadly.

"SILENCE!"  The King's shout echoed through the chamber, instantly quelling the noise as everyone fell silent.


"You... will be banished to the human world, never to return for eternity," my 'father' declared solemnly.

I widened my eyes. I wanted to disagree. Why? Why are you sparing me...? I wanted to ask but remained silent. It was better to do so.

The Queen, displeased by her husband, argued. She wanted me dead. She wanted to kill me with her own hands.

"Enough! My decision stands. Guards prepare the portal,"  the King pronounced firmly before turning away and departing. Only the Queen lingered, her disbelief evident in her gaze. She then directed her attention towards me, her stare filled with menace.

The crowd erupted into boos, their desire for my demise palpable. They yearned to witness my death, whether by hanging or by being reduced to dust. Their bloodlust extended beyond mere physicality; they craved to see blood spilled from both my chest and my very soul.

"You should never have been born," she spoke harshly. "None of this would have happened if it weren't for you."

I grappled with conflicting thoughts, torn between agreement and defiance. However, I chose silence, casting only a fleeting glance at the shouting monsters around me. Eventually, the guards hoisted me to my feet, forcibly turning me to face the portal on the floor. They held me in place until releasing their grip, leaving me to confront the ominous gateway ahead.

As I stood there, I could hear the ominous sound of heels creeping up behind me. I braced myself for the impending attack, knowing instinctively that danger was imminent. The Queen approached, wielding something sharp, and without warning, she plunged it into my shoulder. I gritted my teeth against the pain as she twisted the blade, driving it deeper into my bone.

With a cruel smile on her face, she withdrew the weapon and delivered a forceful kick with her heel on my 'stomach', sending me tumbling into the portal. As I fell, I turned to face her, meeting her gaze head-on. Despite the tears streaming down her face, I sensed the falsity behind her emotions. Her grin was a facade, her tears merely a charade. Without reacting, I braced myself for the impact of the landing, steeling myself for whatever awaited me on the other side.


A Demon in the Modern World [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now