⭬ Chapter V

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༺ T H E  B A R G A N ༻


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The rain had stopped and Clara huddled in what little light shone through the cell window. Still soaked from the rain, she shook wishing for dry clothes and a bright fire. Elizabeth and she had been dragged down under the fort, Will had stayed with Beckett. They had no idea what was going to happen to him.

Footsteps could be heard and Will and Governer Swann appeared from the stairs. They paid the guard little mind as the young man headed straight towards Elizabeth.

The couple held hands as Will whispered something. Elizabeth glanced over at Clara, beckoning her to come closer. She came as close as the bars let her, eyes wide as Will told them about Jack's compass.

"What does Beckett want with that?" asked Elizabeth.

"Does it matter? I'm to find Jack and convince him to return to Port Royal. In exchange, the charges against us will be dropped." He looked at Clara. "All of us."

"No. We must find our own avenue to secure your freedom," argued Swann.

"Is that a lack of faith in Jack or in me?"

"That you would risk your life to save Sparrow's does not mean he would do the same for anyone else."

Clara shook her head. "There is one person Jack would risk his life for, one person who may be able to sway him. If you find Catalina, you will find Jack."

Will's eye gleamed. "Let us hope he has not scared her off."

"Enough of this nonsense. Now, where is that dog with the keys?" Whistling, Swann turned away.

"I have faith in you," Elizabeth said. "Both of you. Where will you find him?"

"Tortuga. I'll start there and I won't stop searching till I find him. And then I intend to return here to marry you."

Elizabeth smiled. "Properly?"

"Eagerly, if you'll still have me."

"If it weren't for these bars, I'd have you already."

The Governor tripped, interrupting their moment. He had broken a sconce and huffing, he tossed it aside.

Elizabeth faced Will once again. "I'll wait for you."

"Keep a weather eye on the horizon." He shot up and left, but hesitated when he reached the steps. "Clara, I will do my best to try and find your commodore and brother, they are not yet dead." Not waiting for an answer, he disappeared.

Clara wished she had hope to spare but she found that she had none left. Crawling back to her spot against the wall, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back. "'Lost at sea' the letters said. What chance will he have of finding them when the ocean is dangerous and deep."

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