Fly High

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Izuku was sitting on the couch waiting for his present as it was his 9th birthday. He had blown out his candles and his mum said she bought him something. He hoped it was another almight figure since he loved almight, since almight saved people with a smile and being a kid he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his idol.

After waiting a bit his mum came back with a big box in her hand covered in a red cloth. "Alright hun, before I show you guess what it is?", "hmmmmmm.... the new limited edition almight figure!?" Izuku said excitedly.

"Ehh... almost I guess.. but actually better. Mommy gas noticed that you've been playing with birds at the park and looking at them outside the window, especially the pigeons so I decided to get you a PIGEON!" Inko said excitedly as she lifted the cloth revealing a small pigeon with shiny wings.

Izuku at the sight of this just went ape shit. Inko seeing this opened the cage and let the bird fly around with izuku holding an almight figure running around under it giggling with happiness, "Thank you so much mum!" He said hugging her deeply before going back to playing with the pigeon.

It had been a few months after izuku had gotten his pigeons and he decided to name it Tye. Him and tye had gotten close to where sometimes tye would bring back a snack for izuku when he went flying to somewhere else.

Inko had noticed this and was just happy for her little boy as she had noticed coming home sad or a bit bruised from school but ever since she got him the bird he has always returned happy not caring about the bullying that had been happening.

Inko knew who was doing it but even after multiple talks with the bullies parents aka her friend mitsuki, he has still been bullied by him so she felt she could do nothing but try and comfort him the best she can after school and get his mind off it.

"Mom mom mom look what Tye brought back today!" Izuku said as he ran up to his mom holding a pair of rolled green cloth. "That's awesome hun. Let's go put it up on your shelf since you can't eat cloth. Think of it as a memory between tye and you. "Oki"

It had been a full 12 months since his 9th birthday and it was his 10th today. As a izuku was walking home from school exited. He had dint been bullied that day and at the end of school he found tye waiting for him at the gate.

Izuku was skedaddleing on a path home with tye on his shoulders but as he was skedaddleing he felt that tye wasn't on his shoulders and looked up to see if he went flying but found nothing.

"What's this deku! Can't make any friends so you hang out with animals!" Mocked a small child a but taller than izuku with spiky ash blonde hair. Izuku looked back and saw that his childhood friend turned bully had tye in his clutches, "give him back kacchan!".

"Hell no! You thought today was gonna be all happy cause you didnt get your daily beating?! Well I guess you're lucky cause we won't beat you up... but this disgusting pigeon you call a friend is gonna get it!" Shouted the kid identified as kaachan said.

"Cmon bakugo it's an animal man" on of his lackeys said, "I don't care!". Bakugo had a big evil grin on his face as he then signalled his 2 lackeys to hold izuku as he closed one of his hands on tyes head and then made a bunch of explosions practically cooking his head.

After many painful seconds of izuku screaming for bakugo to stop, he did and pulled the hand that was on the head away from the body leaving a bit of blood, neck bones and feathers. Bakugo opened his hand and out dropped the burnt head of tye.

Izuku at the sight of this just stopped. He looked at the fallen head on the floor then the falling body of his bird. He looked at the tye, then to bakugo and his two lackeys who were shocked of what bakugo did.

Izuku then snapped. He pushed the lackeys with force a child shouldn't have at 10. Izuku ran at Bakugo and threw a right punch to his face knocking him down and back a few metres. He then looked back at the lackeys who came towards him.

On hit izuku in the chest but izuku reacted with little pain at it had only knocked a little air out of him. Izuku diddnt know what happend but from that punch izuku felt some power and with it he imagined in in his fist and sent a left punch that hit both the lackeys in the face.

Both fell down and izuku looked at the kids on the floor holding their faces in pain, especially bakugo who looked worse for ware. He the went over to the body and put it in a zip lock bag he had in his backpack and ran off back to his house crying.

Returning home inko thought his sun would be happy but all the was met with was a devastating sight of her child crying with a ziplock bag that had the remains of his dead pigeon.

Izuku dropped the bag on the table and went hugging his mother crying. "Izuku honey what happend?" She said but izuku diddnt answer. She thought that maybe she shouldn't bring it up so she let izuku cry it out.

After izuku finished inko asked in the most polite way she could to know what izuku wanted to do with the body. Izuku knowing tye said he wanted him cremated so he could spread his ashes atop the roof.

Inko hearing this respected his wishes and made izuku go to sleep. She went up to the roof with a burner and rosted the bird to ashes much to her disgust that she had to do this since she had grown on tye and what monster would do this to a child's bird.

After she finished she picked up the plate the ashes fell on and went downstairs to wake up izuku which by now it was night time. Izuku woke up and followed his mum to the roof. After getting there he said his goodbyes along with his mum and the both let the ashes get carried by the wind up and away all the way into the sky up above not to be seen but lost into the shining stars on the night sky.

"... he was a good friend hun...", "he wasn't just a good friend mum... he was a great one" izuku said before having a moment of silence then going back inside.

Hi guys... I know it's sad to see your fav character the pigeon get killed off in the first chapter. It was hard for me to write this but yeah... if you know where the inspiration for this is from than you know where izuku is heading.

Also sorry for taking down all the published books. I wanted to re write stuff and just saying from now on I will have a very busy schedule and will have inconsistent posting. It could be days, weeks, months.

Sorry again

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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