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Finally he looked up at me and said.

"Congratulations! You're hired!" I he said very excited.

I looked surprised for a moment but then smiled

"Thank you so much! You dont know hw happy I am" I said with a very enthusiastic tone

"Well, you wont have an actual position as a teacher though, you'll be an assistant for one of our more skilled teachers." He said with a sad but also happy voice

Confused at first, I was still happy to have a position of teacher in a way.

"So..um..who would I be the assistant of?" I asked

"Well, as we only have one teacher in the building.. you'll be with Baldi" he said if i smile, then handed me some papers

"Look over these. Here are some rules and expectations you should follow." He said

I grabbed the papers and headed home to review them. The next day I went back to the school and talked to the principal again. Once I got done telling what I know (ect.). I walked through the school for a while, just looking around and getting the basic layout of the school, so I don't get lost. Once I got done I headed to the class that Baldi teaches in. It was a holiday for the kids so he had the day "off" but he had so many papers to grade he had to stay.

Knock knock "is anyone is here?" I asked as I looked through the small window of the door

"Yeah yeah. One second." He said in an agitated tone

He seemed very angered by something, maybe all the students did bad. He eventually got of and walked towards the door.

"What. What do you want?" He said in an annoyed tone

"I..Im here as your assistant teacher..?" I said in a awkward tone

"Oh! Come on in then" his emotion change completely

I walked into the class and looked around.

"So let me walk you through the basics" (pun intended) he said while walking to his desk and starts to read out his rules and expectaions.

After about an hour of showing me how things work and how I should act around the kids, He offard to go to the coffee shop near by the his house and of course I accepted his offer.

We headed out around 5:00pm. We evenually arrived at The Bean Spout and got a table.

"Good Afternoon, what can I for yall?" The waitress said with a welcoming smile

"I would like a Cappucino and a cherry pie" Baldi said with a very favorable smile

"um...I would like a Matcha Latte and um some Macaroon's" I said not knowing what any og this stuff was becuase I hadn't been to a coffee shop before

"Alrighty then I'll have these wonderful choices out in a jiffy!" The waitress said and then hurried off

Baldi and I talked about some more rules I have to know before the beggening of next week. Evenually we had eaten all our food and finished our coffee, we had gotten so lost in our conversation we didnt even relize the time.

"Oh-shit..its already 7 pm. I better be heading home.." I said with a hurry in my voice

"Wow..its already so late." Baldi said with a slightly upset tone

"well i'll be seeing you on monday" I got up and started towards the door

"WAIT! w-why dont you stay over at my place..? I mean I just live up the road.." Baldi said with a hastly voice

I was in shock for a moment due to his sudden mood change

"um..I mean sure" I said with hasitants

We headed out.

His car was very nice and very clean. The ride took about 10 minutes. We evenually arrived at his house.

Baldi x Salad FingerWhere stories live. Discover now