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Eight: Mendacity

"Hi Aunty J!" Ivar shouted into the house and bounded to his friend's room. He threw his bag across the room and jumped onto the bed.

"What's up," Mack grumbled from his computer, hitting all his enemies with one shot.

"I heard something." Mack didn't turn to look, trying to remain undistracted.


"You have to let me play if you want to hear it." Ivar bargained, sitting cross-legged in the bed. He looked at the new game his friend was currently racing through, his itchy hands dying to play.

"Sure." Distracted he continued to run and shoot everyone down.

"It's juicy gossip about someone you know." Headphones falling to the keyboard, Mack spun around on his chair, not even noticing his guy getting shot.

"Ugghhhh!" Ivar complained looking at the hard work wasted. "You could have just switched with me." He stood from the bed, cracking his fingers in preparation.

"Who did what?" Mack asked, falling onto his bed. The envy Ivar sometimes felt returned, looking at his friend doing mundane things, yet he looked so cool. He shoved the thoughts away and sat down, loading a new game. Turning the seat he saw an awaiting Mack.

"Do you remember Arlen?"

"The good-looking guy that Olivia will dump you for?"

"She'll never dump me." Ivar retaliated, his insecurity taking over. Why did everyone like this guy? He really wasn't that handsome. "If I tell you, you can never ever tell anyone. Ever. Okay? Promise!" Ivar added in, already feeling his head hurt with another smack from his brother.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"I'm serious man. If Fitz knows I told you I'll be dead meat."

Mack nodded his head, holding out his pinkie. Ivar rolled the chair closer and interlocked his broken pinkie. He rolled the chair back, lowering his voice to a whisper. "He's gay." Ivar looked at Mack's shocked reaction.

"How do you know?"

"I heard him talking to Fitz." Mack's face changed between emotions too fast for Ivar to recognize.

"Is your brother gay?" Mack asked his eyes in wide disbelief.

"Hell no!" Ivar made the disgusted face that deserved a slap. He changed his expression, but Mack had already seen it. "He's dating Ailey, idiot." He added again, turning his back and starting to play.

"So the rumours were true?" Mack shuffled closer to Ivar.

"Yeah. I wonder who started it. How did they know?" Ivar shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hit a camper.

"Apparently he was seen kissing that kid. Who was it? His brother went to school with Fitz...Michael, I think." Mack kept rambling on about it, but Ivar barely heard a word, focusing on the limited game time he seldom experienced.


"Ivar?" He looked up at the young man. He shaved, his skin was smooth; he looked young again.

"How are you feeling lately?" Mike asked. Ivar nodded, but his hand flew to his wrist which was hidden under a sweater. He was afraid the huge gulp would give him away if a sweater in summer hasn't already.

"I'm okay." He spoke up, trying to distract Mike.

"Why okay? Why not fine, or good?" Ivar was quiet again, listening to the tick of the old father's clock in the hallway. His hand softly grazed across his wrist; it was barely a creased line now; but his self-hatred saw a gaping wrinkle ogling back.

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