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In the quiet corners of  high school life, where loneliness seemed like an immovable shadow, a story of love, courage and self-discovery unfolded. It all started as a simple friendship that suddenly blossomed between two souls who found solace in each other's company. But this friendship caught the wrath of misunderstandings and societal expectations, pushing us to the brink of doubt and lose of hope in love.

Trying to balance the love that lit up our lives and resentment that threatened to dim that glow, the story emerged as a beacon of hope. It teaches us that love has no boundaries, and when nurtured with honesty and acceptance, it has the power to transform even the darkest  moments. This story is not just a chronicle of a teenage journey. So for those facing similar struggles, know this: your feelings are valid, your struggles are visible, and love in all its forms can shine the light  out of the shadows.

In short these are the brightest and darkest moments of my life, simultaneously. These moments made me disbelief love. This story also teaches one how one can go away without giving a proper reason to their loved ones.

It all started when I was a 17 year old kid and fell for a girl, who was my junior in my high school. In the story I will tell you the moment we lived together and how this love affect our mental health in both positive and negative way. And how this leads to one's death and making others life miserable.

Initially we were just friends hanging out during our school hours, and things were great during that time. She used to walk with me to our school. We used to hangout in our society in the garden and many more precious times we've spent together.

But she had some dark past which you will get to know about in future chapters as I write this.

How things went wrong due to someone unknown reasons which are still unknown and I am finding the answers of my questions. I will not stop until my each and every question is answerd during my journey called life

You will get to know how an ignorant cousin can ruin one's life, and leaving a traumatizing scar behind. Which create doubt of trusting new people in our life.

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