NINE | Go For A Dive

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The Plane's inhabitants watched Liam tuck himself under the desk, all of them confused.

"Does he usually do that?" murmured Subway Seat.

"I dunno, maybe he likes sleeping on stone," Whippy Creamy shrugged.

An awkward silence fell between them as they just looked at each other, wondering what to do now. Whippy Creamy cleared his throat.

"Say, Tray, how about a story session tonight? Now that we have an actual night?"

Tray blushed. "Do you want me to lead it? I thought it was Bryce's turn."

The bottle, who was standing a few feet away, yawned and shook his head.

"Nah, I'm running on empty. I think I'll have a snooze."

"Oh, sure. Sweet dreams then!" Tray waved to him, and Bryce waved back before heading off. She returned her attention to the two hidden objects in front of her.

"I don't think I have a story for tonight. Besides, I've gotta check up on everyone. Speaking of which... how are you guys holding up?" she asked them in a quieter tone. "You know... after..."

Whippy Creamy and Subway Seat lowered their gazes, but they both replied with "I'm fine". Tray gave them a sympathetic look.

"It's okay if you need time. Let me know if you need something."

"Thanks," Subway Seat brightened a bit.

"If there's no story night, we'll play some checkers to chill, ay?" Whippy Creamy nudged his legless friend. "And you're welcome to join us after you're done, Tray."

She nodded. "I will. Have you seen Atom and Amelia?"

"Atom is uhhh... um. Actually, I have no idea. He's somewhere, I guess... Amelia's in the pool though."

The pool? Tray raised her brows. Why would she want to swim right now?

"Thanks... I'll go to her. Have fun playing, you two."

After saying goodbye, Tray walked over from the Plane's equator to the upper area. There stood the giant log filled with water, majestic and ruthless, silently declaring its kingship over the place. She traced her fingers on its wooden surface, searching for the carved in holds; when she found them, she climbed up the log and sat on its edge, staring into the water.

Just as she was told, Tray saw a rectangular cyan shape underwater. Unmoving, suspended deep below. Near the bottom of it, where lay a cast and a crutch.

Tray sat there with a worried look.

She had never thought much about it, but...

...maybe this wasn't the best activity for Amelia.

Eventually, the cyan shape moved and emerged from the depths. Amelia inhaled sharply, noticing her red friend, yet saying no word to greet her. As if she didn't know what to say.

Tray took a deep breath.

"Amelia... is this really your hobby?"

The candle looked up at her, still floating silently.

"Because... well... You don't seem happy doing it."

"I'm fine. I'm making progress!" Amelia forced a smile. "I'm able to hold my breath for a minute and I can get down in 7 seconds! That's under 10, which was not enough."

Tray's gaze grew more concerned and Amelia frowned. "What?"

"Don't you think this is a bit too much for you?"

Against the Universe - After ONE 18Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora