A Necessary Evil

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Dedicated to @Vpervic

In shadows deep, where darkness creeps,
A pact is made, as silence weeps.
"It is," she said, with solemn grace,
"A necessary evil I embrace."

Bound by chains of fate's cruel whim,
She serves a master, grim and grim.
In whispered vows, her loyalty sealed,
A dance with shadows, fate revealed.

Through night's abyss, she finds her role,
A necessary evil, taking its toll.
Yet in her heart, a flicker of light,
Defying darkness, she takes her flight.

For in the depths, courage unfurls,
A spirit strong, as the underworld swirls.
Though evil claims, she won't succumb,
In her defiance, a new day shall come.

In shadows deep, where courage gleams,
She breaks the chains, dispels the dreams.
No longer bound to shadows grim,
She rises free, her own hymn.

A necessary evil, once her plight,
Now transformed into newfound light,
She walks away, her soul set free,
Embracing life's sweet liberty.

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