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|| 8 M O N T H S L A T E R ||

"Thank you so much, sir. I don't know how we shall ever repay you." one of the young, female Omegas within the group whispered as she reached out, splaying blackened fingertips in grateful acceptance of the small packet of bread, cheese, and water.

In reply, Vali smiled sweetly at the Omega, waves of black and white hair tumbling over his shoulder as he moved to set the basket of provisions aside, choosing instead to grasp the young woman's hands tightly between his own.

Vali's mismatched eyes, one as white as a cloud in a clear summer sky and the other as dark as midnight, conveyed a profound sense of compassion as he focused intently on the newcomer.

"Please, there is no need for repayment. You have already sacrificed more than anyone should ever have to," he assured, voice always as gentle as a hummingbird's wings. Vali had welcomed countless newcomers into their steadily growing community over the past few months, and still, he never grew tired of a new face. "I am called Vali. May I know what you are called?"

"My master called me Egil," the Omega's words held no obvious ill undertone. However, despite her flawlessly rehearsed complaisance, Vali had gained more than enough experience throughout his life to know that in order to fully understand, he needed to look beyond the surface.

"Here, your past master's influence holds no sway. In this place, you are whoever your heart desires you to be," Vali affirmed, placing the package of provisions into her hands with care, all the while his smile widened as if to emphasize the liberating truth of his words. "But for now, it is truly a pleasure to meet you, Miss Egil."

The heartwarming sensation that came along with witnessing someone's trust in him blossom was an experience Vali cherished without end. Thus, when Miss Egil's once-averted gaze rose to meet his, a lone tear carving a path through the caked layers of grime on her face, Vali couldn't help but feel a similar sensation of moisture gathering within the creases of his own eyes.

However, amidst his sudden bout of emotion, the distressed cries of a nearby infant suddenly caught Vali's attention. Within a single moment, his caregiving instincts kicked in, drawing him toward one of the newest Alpha mothers in the group who was clearly struggling with her newborn.

"Please, eat. I will return to check on you later, alright?" Vali reassured Miss Egil, whose cracked lips curved into a faint smile as she offered a silent nod in response.

Gathering his basket, Vali moved with haste towards the Alpha woman he'd noticed. Her jaw was stained with tears as she tried to soothe her child, however, every gentle sway of her arms sent a wince through her face, hinting that certainly, her child was not the only one suffering.

Vali crouched before the woman, using both hands to carefully – slowly – lower himself to a sitting position on the dirt floor so that he could more effectively survey the situation.

Lately, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Vali to complete tasks that required him to move up and down constantly like this, what with his heavily distended stomach getting in the way.

It had taken Vali a long time to acknowledge the truth in Guiscard's claim about his pregnancy. Denial persisted even when the unmistakable signs of morning sickness began; he'd first attempted to attribute his symptoms to "bad water" from the nearby creek, and then motion sickness from riding Frode around the village.

However, as his abdomen began to expand, the gradual transformation of his body undeniable evidence of his Alpha's claim to his womb, Vali eventually found that he could no longer evade reality.

He was pregnant. He was going to be a father. He had created life.

It was a terrifyingly beautiful revelation, but one that he would absolutely never take for granted.

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