《03》Anton Xalei - Distant

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Anton Xalei||Distant
~~~ °•° ~ °•° ~~~

Distractions were what you filled your time with. Avoidance to your dull, sold off life of 'high crime' and down low, lavish living.
Distractions were ecstasy nowadays, a way to forget your sorrow and dread filled days - escape was long gone, a crossed out option though you wouldn't lie...the thought always had lingered in your head.

Even if you did run, he'd just bring you back and you'd end up in bruises.

In the end, there really was no point - what could you do against the mafia?

You sigh, resorting to clutching that book in your arms a little closer.

The world however, had other plans.

Your peacful walk from the escape offered to you by the library was interrupted by a sharp gasp - your small sliver of regular life yanked away as fast as your frame was pulled around and one look at those eyes told of displeasure and fought off rage simmering on a back burner.
Restless eyes were hidden behind ruffled hair, dark tresses falling unkempt around that stoic face of his - and if you didn't feel small before, you sure did now.
"You better have a damn good reason why you're out by yourself- why you still go out by alone when I've told you not to-"

Your eyes dart up to his eyes, down to his hand, and back again.

You swallow, pushing back surprise and you blamed the cold for the risen hair on the back of your neck and the goosebumps on your arms.

You hadn't even heard him coming...

His grip was tight on your wrist, the poor soul that was your startled self still trying to process what he said as your free arm clutched that book.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" You answer in that oh-so gentle tone - skin painted under moonlight and framed by the warmth of the library entrance behind you.

Simply speaking - you two were complete opposites.

Anton's eyes looked away, a flicker of light leaving as his gaze fell back to look at nothing. After one long moment and a soft exhale he let go of your arm, his fingers running his hair back from his eyes and you couldn't quite tell if he were thinking, or just stewing in frustration. You could tell he was irritated just by his simple movement but even so, his voice remained unchanged with a steady cadence.
"You weren't raised to go out by yourself - your father should be ashamed to have forgotten to teach you right."

You wanted to quirk a brow - he hadn't brought up your father since the day you two met. . .

Your eyes flickered up, and then down again - a moment taken to process everything.
You were surprised he cared so much about your well being as at this point you were almost certain it had been a business arrangement more than an actual marriage.
He never really did anything with you aside from keeping you in line - heck you had been married for nearly a year now and well. . .you were still a virgin.

You rubbed your arm, pursing rose hued lips gently before speaking. "My father also sold me to the mafia for vacation and drinking money...just so he could spoil his latest mistress. He's not exactly...father of the year..."

You couldn't be sure, but you thought a small flash of humor could be seen in his eyes. However, his expression didn't change as he looked you over for a moment - there was a new intensity added to his stare.
A hand was lifted and the night seemed quiet, slender fingers gently brushing some of your soft hair back from you cheek. Your face warmed under his gaze as an unconscious flush was brought to your features.

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