-shitty makeup sex-

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Valerie's boyfriend Micheal was horrible at pleasing his lover. He ate pussy the way most people eat a hamburger, sideways and sloppy with little nibbles. She usually faked an orgasm so she wouldn't hurt his feeling. But this time she was fed up. The couple were engaging in makeup sex after an argument about whether or not she should go on birth control, cause condoms made Micheal uncomfortable.

Valerie layed on the cheap queen mattress and stated at the ceiling, trying to forget micheals tounge between her legs. She was getting more and more pissed at her boyfriend's poor preformence with every nibble of her cunt. She just wanted to tell him, to yell "This isn't making me cum!" But she knew that would lead to another argument, and then more shitty, drawn-out makeup sex. She felt her face getting hot with anger and she clenched her jaw, trying to avoid an outburst.

Micheal mistook her squirmy reaction for an orgasm and gave a little proud smirk. 

"That's a new record. Three minutes." He falsely boasted, checking his watch.

"Really? Seemed more like three hours." She covered her mouth as if to stop herself from giving up more of the truth.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" 

The couple argued about what Valerie had spilled. She eventually, through hard, deep breaths, explained the situation. Micheal was convinced that the issue wasn't his poor skill, but a flaw of his girlfriends body. 

"If it isn't your fault, prove it to me. make me make you cum." He yelled over the sound of her protests.

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