The forest's light (森の光)

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TW: None

Walking through a forest path,

the fallen leaves softly crunching under pressure,

the evergreen trees swaying softly,

in a cooling summer breeze

Shadows cast by the looming trees,

dancing as the trees move,

light is scarce,

yet life on the forest floor thrives

All seems dark as night,

yet there are still rays of light from the sun,

breaking through the darkness,

becoming a ray of hope,

for the plants and animals alike.

Even when night falls,

when all living beings are at rest,

light from the moon filters through,

showing the light is still present

Even when everything seems dark, hopeless,

the light is still there,

shining as bright and as beautifully as ever,

fighting to break the darkness

Even if the light seems dim,

even if the light seems faint,

it still continues to fight,

it still continues to shine

It fights to become noticeable again,

it fights to be strong again,

it fights to push the darkness back,

to light up the path ahead,

allowing everyone and everything to thrive,

allowing everyone and everything to push forward

Just like the light in a dense forest,

it may seem scarce, weak,

but it breaks through the trees,

eliminating the shadows

It gives hope,

allowing passions to be pursued,

allowing the path ahead to be seen,

allowing dreams to flourish,

allowing ambitions to bloom.

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