Chapter 4

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"Do we really have to go to the beach? I get sun burnt everytime I step foot there" Gojo groaned as all eight jujutsu high students made their way to the beach on train, having almost missed the train because Gojo had used gum to stick Getos hair to the wall

"Maybe if you put on sunscreen you wouldn't have that problem" Choso sighed
"My infinity should protect me!!" Gojo stated Yuki giving him a look
"Is this guy dumb?" She said turning to geto
"Very much" Geto nodded

"We brought an umbrella for you" Shoko sighed
"Yay!!" Gojo cheered

"Oh my lord you can't do anything" You said out loud hitting the white haired male on the head making him pout

"I know your house number" Gojo said trying to sound scary
"Okay? So do I, I swear you say the dumbest shit known to man" You scoffed flicking Gojo on the forehead and tying your sarong, you were wearing a light blue bikini with white beach flower patterns on it and you had your hair down, telling yourself you'd wash it when you get home

"Why are you so mean" Gojo frowned
"Because you're annoying" Shoko answered for you
"Exactly" You smiled handing Haibara his floaty that he'd insisted on bringing, the brunette thanking his upperclassman and running straight into the water, followed by nanami that was making sure he wouldn't drown

"Choso stop staring at [Name] she'll catch you!!" Yuki snikered catching the black haired male off guard
"What are you talking about?" Choso mumbled as he looked at you once more before going to set up the umbrella for Gojo

"So Choso" Yuki said looking at the black haired male "what type of women do you like?" Yuki grinned
"You asked me that once before and I told you I don't know" Choso shrugged
"Eh, I don't even need to ask it's obvious you like [Name]" Yuki said looking straight ahead at their friend who was making a sand cake with shoko, the two girls using her used cigarettes to imitate candles

"I what??" Choso said sitting upright
"You don't have to deny its bestie!! I can read you two like a book" Yuki winked "and through my three long years of observation, I'm now confident enough to say you should go right ahead and ask her out" The blonde grinned

"I don't know what your talking about" Choso said taking a juice carton out of his bag
"I looked at your sketchbook" Yuki whispered making Choso choke on his drink
"I heard artists usually draw the people they like and in all your drawing the two of you are holding hands or she's holding up flowers that you gave her" Yuki said

"How the hell did you see that??" Choso half yelled

"What's up with those two?" Suguru questioned as he helped Gojo apply sunscreen after he'd finally realised his technique wouldn't help him
"I don't know" satoru shrugged

"Choso you leave it hanging around everywhere! I'm surprised [Name] hasn't found it" Yuki sighed
"Plus you wrote her initials on the inside of the front cover" Yuki smiled

"Okay, I like her, and what? I'm content with our relationship right now I don't want to ruin it" Choso mumbled

"Oh my days you're so emo" Yuki groaned "she likes you too!! It's like super obvious! Just trust me!" Yuki stated
"You're the same person that tried to convince me that when Gojo was born the earth became flat for a month and only special grades could feel it" Choso deadpanned

"Whattt...I'd never do such a thing" Yuki said scratching the back of her neck

"Guys, let's go swim" You said as you made your way over to the mat your two friends were on, dusting the sand off of your legs and sitting down
"Uhm sure just give me a minute to finish my juice" Choso said as you gave him a thumbs up, sitting down and resting your head on his lap causing the noirette to stiffen up, yuki trying her hardest not to laugh

"Utahimes gonna come over tomorrow, she said her and Mei Mei are on their way to a mission later on today" You hummed "she said make sure satoru isn't there" you snickered sitting up and noticing Gojo who's entire body was sunburnt except for his eyes that were covered by glasses

"What the fuck happened to you?" Choso grimaced "what do you think???" Gojo wailed "Shoko!! [Name]!! Help me! Use reversed cursed technique on me!!" Gojo cried
"I can't deal with an entire body, that's for shoko, and why can't you use it yet?" You said

"Shoko doesn't know how to explain it properly!!" Gojo pouted "I'm the one treating you, choose your words carefully" Shoko said as she began healing Gojo

"What happened to Gojo?" Haibara said as he and nanami jogged towards the forth years who were observing the second years from their mat
"Whys he so sunburnt" Nanami muttered
"Skill issue" Yuki shrugged
"And he's considered a prodigy.." Choso sighed watching the white haired male cry, geto trying to hold him down while shoko healed him

"I want McDonald's" You sighed "I'll get you some before we leave" Choso said "let's all get some!!" Gojo chimed in "with what money?" You scoffed

"I think the three oldest students out of us should pay" Suguru stated as you Choso and yuki looked at eachother then back at your classmates

"Are you talking to us?" You said as the three of you started laughing. "No no, there's no way" Yuki yelled slapping her knee. "Whys she slapping her knee??" Choso questioned yukis actions making him laugh harder

"Those guys are on something" Nanami sighed "why don't we make the one with the most money pay?" You proposed
"Good idea!" Gojo smiled, every one of them looking at him

"So who is It?...Oh.." Gojo said realising it was him "on second thought I think that's unfair" Gojo said raising his hand

"We don't" everyone else spoke.
"Don't worry we'll chip in when we can" Yuki said
"Yeah, I have like ¥7000 on me but I'm willing to spend ¥1500 on McDonald's" you shrugged "I've got ¥9000 but I can spend ¥2000" Choso said
"I have ¥500" Yuki said as her two friends just stared at her
"Let's just merge our money and buy something for us three

"Kento, Yu, heres ¥3000 you can get yourself something to eat" You said handing nanami the money "Thank you so much [Name]!!!" Haibara cheered giving you a huge hug "no problem, I can't let my underclassmen starve" you smiled "thank you very much" nanami said with a small smile

"What about us??" Shoko Satoru and Suguru shouted
"You're old enough to get a job, figure it out!" You said, Geto giving you a middle finger
"Just get satoru to pay for you" Yuki sighed

"Okay so the first years are sorted and we'll just use our money to get something nice and the second year can do whatever" You said Choso handing you ¥3000 "here's the money you gave those two" He said placing it in your hands

"Choso you don't have to! Seriously!" You said handing him the money back "I'll take it" Yuki said rising her hand as you slapped it away "I'm serious [Name] just take it" Choso smiled
"Okay" you cheeses having seen his smile

"Okay! We'll leave in thirty minutes!!" Yuki said as you got up
"Then can we swim before we go??" You said "but I don't wanna" Choso yawned "I just wanna tan" Yuki yawned
"Lazy bitches" you sighed running towards the water
"What did you say??" Yuki said chasing after you and entering the water getting splashed by you, Choso shaking his head and joining you two

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