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Ok, so, I was in the truck, doing what I normally do, like pretend Luna is beside me, daydream, ect.

My mum and sister started talking about LGBTQ+ people... and they talked about them like they were disgusting.

My mum used the word "transexual" (that's not even a real sexuality, mum.) so that proves she is gudging something she knows very little about, that's dumb.

She said lesbians are grosser than gay men. WTFFFFFFFFFFF?! What does she have againgst them?! Lesbians are NOT gross! And the fact she uses the word "grosser", gay men aren't gross either!

They also say the world is weird and horrible, YOU HIPOCRIPTS! You're homophobic, and that's bad!

I was silent for a very long time until... mum asked what my opinion was, and the words were acid in my mouth...

I had to agree, they would of thought I'm gay or something.

I hate being colseted, when everybody can say whatever they want about LGBTQ+ people, and you can't fully stand up for lgbtq+ ppl.

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