The Child Of The Unseen

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Sukuna returned back to the village that same night with Seiren in his arms, not caring at all if anyone saw him. By going against the orders of the chief, he was casted away from the village. Not having other option than build a house on the outskirts, close to the Cursed Forest.

It had never been necessary for the unseen beast to consume two humans at once, only one sacrifice was enough to calm its hunger and fall into a slumber of twenty years.

Trusting that Yorozu had accepted her fate and entered the deepest part of the forest, he took care of the baby without hiding her away from the villagers. The thought of imprisoning her inside his house never crossed his mind.

None of this was necessary since no matter how much the villagers believed in the stories of his ancestors, they could not possible do anything. They could try getting rid off her, but most of them did not have the courage to do it and the rest were not cruel enough to take the life of a child with their own bare hands.

That's why Sukuna never feared for the life of Seiren, not even when ten years passed and the villagers reunited outside his house. It was no surprise to him. He probably could guess the reason of why they are here.

To choose Seiren as the next sacrifice for the beast once ten years has passed. This was confirmed when the chief approached Sukuna the moment he stepped outside and opened his mouth to speak.

"Regardless of the reason of why you came back with that cursed child is not important to us," he declared, not feeling sympathy for his granddaughter. "Once the unseen beast wakes up from its slumber of twenty years, she will be the next sacrifice."

It was to soon to choose the next offering, but everyone in the village had already accepted the chief's decision. To some villagers became even a relief that the baby was saved, since that meant that they could live for thirty years without worrying of becoming the next sacrifice.

Sukuna wasn't interested to speak with the chief. He already knew that this would be happening sooner or later. No matter when the elders will reveal such decision, at the end they would always choose Seiren for being different from any other child. For fearing the unknown. For not understanding the meaning of being born with butterflies.

Either way, he wasn't planning to stop or go against the chief. If the fate of Seiren is to become just simple food for the beast, then so be it. However, he doubts that would be happening. Being the child of the unseen, there's no way she would accept such fate or for the beast to accept such offering.

"Are you really sure that you want to offer your granddaughter as a sacrifice for the beast?" Sukuna finally spoke, his question picking the interest of the elderly and youngest men among the crowd.

The chief frowned, not only for being questioned by his decision but by hearing Sukuna referred as Seiren as his granddaughter. "For the sake of the village, my decision will not change nor even waver. That cursed child must become a sacrifice."

"Even if those actions enrages the beast?" Sukuna did not have the intention of changing the chief's mind or the rest of the villagers, but he couldn't help asking.

The old man wasn't a fool. He knew exactly why Sukuna was asking that question. Suspecting that Seiren could be the daughter of that unseen creature, offering her as sacrifice could enrage the beast. But no one except of him suspected that. The rest of the villagers believed that the child was cursed by a powerful, evil spirit that took the form of red butterflies. All because of his lies.

Such question confused the people of the crowd, starting to mutter among themselves.

What does he mean by that?

Butterfly's Curse: Prisoner Of The Unseen| Zenin TojiWhere stories live. Discover now