a new world

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Shuichi narration:
I slowly open my eyes as a stinging pain rings in my head, i slowly get up as i hold my head processing the pain, my vision is blurry... where am i? I try to calm down until my vision finally come back to normal so i can see my surroundings, what is this place? What happend to my clothes?! Are these traditional Japanese outfits? Im not munch fan of the showing my ankles... and this is definitely not my hat...
I look down and I couldn't belive my eyes, not only is Maki and Himiko are with me... but everyone else is here too! But... we're all wearing strange Japanese clothes... it look somewhat... fantasize... like we're in a fantasy world or something... but why... why are we here with their bodies? Are... they alive? Having a small pain aching in my heart, hoping in the slightest that they are alive i try to wake everyone up

Shuichi: Maki!! Himiko!! Everyone!! Are you guys ok?! Plz wake up! Answer me!
Himiko: nyeh...? Oww... where are we...? Ugh my head hurts...
Maki: ugh... Shuichi? What's going on? Where are we? What happend to my clothes...? What is this and- *gasp*
Kaito: *cough* ugghhh yep thats gotta hurt alot
Tenko: ahh! My head is spinning!!! Has a degenerate male attacked me?!
Miu: oi!! What the hell is going on?! Why are there 2 Gonta?! Who's the real 1 and who's the faker?! Come at me and face me like real person ya fucking virgin!!
Gonta: Gonta don't understand whats going on... There is only 1 Gonta, friend Miu are you ok?
Rantaro: oww... wow thats... thats definetly gonna leave a mark...
Keade: m-my... head hurts... my throat feels a little horsed and dry...
Shuichi: everyone! Your alive!
Kirumi: argh... yes I believe we are... but it would seems like we are suffering the side affects of our deaths...
Kaito: ugh yeah... but where are we tho? And whats with these clothes?! I feel like a anime character in a video game!
???: puhuhuhuhuhu! Thats bcz your all in a video game!!
Miu: oh Atua no!! Not this fucker again!!!
Monokuma: howdy kids!! Did ya miss little old me?
Miu: like hell we do!!! You can suck your own ass and die in a hole for all I care!!!
Kaito: yeah!! What she said!
Monokuma: tsk, tsk, tsk sooooo mean! It seems like your own death has taught you all nothing at all!
Maki: where are we?! What is the meaning of this?! Did you brought us all back just so you could bring us in another killing game?!
Monokuma: nope!
Miu: you can forget about your stupid fucking game- uh wiat what? What did you say?
Monokuma: you kids are no longer going to be in the killing games, as Shuichi has done is the last trial, its all over! Nooo more killing!
Shuichi: than why are we here?
Monokuma: i brought you all here for fun! This world is a game called "Genshin impact"!! Its a world game that Tsumugi likes, your in the nation Inazuma! Your brought here to find a portal that will re-awaken your consciousness so you can go back to the real world!
Shuichi: Tsumugi? You mean Junko?
Monokuma: well no, Tsumugi was a actor for team Danganronpa, we ask her to play the role of the mastermind and as Junko! She fit perfectly!
Maki: and how do we find this portal?
Monokuma: simple! Just go climb on the highest mountain, its just there wiating for you
Kaito: awsome!! Lets go than!
Kiibo: everyone! Plz wiat!
Miu: holy shit! Kiibo? Is that you?! You ain't a robot no more!!
Monokuma: yep! In this game, Kiibo will be a puppet made to resemble a human! Hes not even a actual robot in real world! Hes just some kid who wishes he was a robot!
Kiibo: exposed my dreams now why don't you...
Monokuma: sure
Kiibo: ugh
Rantaro: hehehe... what we're you saying Kiibo?
Kiibo: right, arent we missing someone?
Kirumi: your correct... i don't see Kokichi anywhere...
Maki: so? Lets just leave him and well leave
Monokuma: nope can't do that!
Miu: and whyyyyyy?
Monokuma: not only is the mountain you need to climb can only be access by Kokichi but that portal won't take any of you anywhere unless theres all 16 of you!
Kaito: seriously?! We gotta find that little gremlins hurry! I don't know how I can go munch longer dress as a archer
Shuichi: hold on, why did he woke up in a separate place from us?
Monokuma: thats bcz he was brought here first! He woke up early and decided to take in his surroundings for fun
Keade: can't you at least give us a hint where he might be?
Monokuma: hmmmmmmmmm weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell hes somewhere that is very far away from people, somewhere very sacred and absolutely forbid violent, somewhere that could bring peace to ones mind, thats all I could say, have fun chasing him down! Bye bye!
Himiko: this... is going to be difficult

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