chapter 7 part 4

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My voice started to fail me as I started to shake. He put a comforting hand on my head and pulled me into a hug.

"It's ok, just take it slow, ok."

I nodded and continued. "she took me and placed a knife to my throat and told us that she would kill me if we told father and then your voice called us to come down and then she took the knife and pressed it harder into my throat and Melody screamed to stop and to take her instead so mother put the knife on the throat and pressed it into her throat till it started to bleed then she put the knife into her heart and killed her. Her body fell to the floor and I started scream please don't go, stop don't leave us! Mother look her body and ran screaming it was all your fault and that if I told dad she would kill you as well." I finished and I had started crying have way through it and unconsciously placed my hand onto my throat where the scar of the knife laid.

James looked shocked. His jaw was open, and his fists closed in angry. He hugged me tighter and he started stroking my hair saying, "She wouldn't get away with it don't you worry, Addy-Bear you will be safe now go to sleep and forget about all your worries for now." As he was talking, I drifted into an uneasily sleep.

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