Chapter 4: Bits

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Fluttershy: Will he be okay?

???: He'll be fine. We just need to keep an eye on him....just in case.

Y/N: Wha.....what happened?

I asked, trying to get my bearings.

???: Careful. You hit your head pretty hard.

I suddenly felt my head start to throb in pain, reminding me of the fall.

Y/N: Ugh....I feel like I just went toe to toe with a dragon.

???: Hey, Twilight! Was it supposed to be two or four wet towels?

Asked a voice who exited the bathroom, revealing itself to be a small purple and greenish dragon.

Y/N: ............Tell me. I didn't actually try and fight it.

???: Towels! Comin in h-Whoa!

As he rushes in holding a couple of towels, he trips, sending some in different directions and one towards me. It was a small mixture of a refreshing warmth and the sting of being slapped in the face.

Y/N: That burns.

???: Eh heh heh.....sorry.

To show that I was alright, this other pony had me do some tests, and after about ten minutes, she deemed me to be okay.

Y/N: Are you two alright? It was pretty bad out there.

???: Yes, I'm sorry about barging into your home...this is your house, right?

Y/N: Yup, and it wasn't like I was just gonna leave you both out there.....if I had known you two were out there.

???: Oh, well, thank you for letting us in. I'm Twilight, and this here is Spike.

Spike: Hi!

Y/N: Pleased to meet you both. I'm Y/N, and this is-

Fluttershy: Twilight and I know each other.

Twilight: We're friends.

Y/N: Huh. Small town. Feel free to sit....well, anywhere on the floor.

Spike and Twilight gave me a puzzled look.

Y/N: I........don't own a lot of things right now.

Spike: Not even a bed?

Y/N: Nope.

Twilight: That can't be good for you.

Y/N: Trust's not.

Spike: Hey, no offense, but this place do I say this....a little bland color wise.

Y/N: An artistic critic dragon.......Great.

Spike: I'm just saying this place could use just a bit of color. Luckily, I know just who to ask.

Twilight: It'll have to wait until the storm passes.

Twilight walks around, inspecting the house. I think she wanted to see if it would continue to hold up against the storm. I was confident it would....sorta.

Twilight: This house had been abandoned for quite some time. When did you move in?

Y/N: Yesterday. I just wanted to get a fresh start somewhere.

Twilight: Well, you couldn't have picked a better town to do it.

After serving up some more tea and talking for a bit, I realized the rain was slowly but surely letting up.

Fluttershy: Thank goodness it's clearing up.

Twilight: Hopefully, nothing has been badly damaged.

Spike: Now that- *Burp*

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