4 | don't scream it, moron

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Luna walks into the room Zoro was in.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Zoro asks the girl.

"I came here to offer you a deal." Luna smirks, sitting down near his bed.

"What kind of deal?" Zoro questions, skeptically.

"I can heal your wound." Luna tells him.

"Not out of the goodness of your heart I'm sure." Zoro replies. "What do you want in return?"

"Ahh, you think I'm so heartless, Ro-Chan." Luna pouts.

"So, you don't want anything?" Zoro questions.

"Now, I didn't say that." Luna replies, chuckling. "I will heal you, but in return, you'll owe me a debt."

"That sounds vague." Zoro replies, narrowing his eyes. "It's like making a deal with the devil."

"In this case, a very adorable devil." Luna tells him.

"I doubt that." Zoro says.

"Do you want my help or not?" Luna question.

"I think I'm fine as I am- AHHHHH! WHAT HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Zoro yells, his eyes popping out, as Luna pokes his wound.

"See it hurts." Luna simply says.

"Of course it does if you poke at it!" Zoro yells, then drops down to the bed from exhaustion.

"Do you want me to make it better?" Luna asks, resting on her hand.

"Fine." Zoro grunts.

"Say please." Luna teases.

"Go to hell." Zoro says, through gritted teeth.

"That wasn't very nice, Demon-Chan." Luna chuckles, reaching for her backpack, and pulling out a book.

"What's that?" Zoro questions, as the girl flips through the book, searching for something

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"What's that?" Zoro questions, as the girl flips through the book, searching for something.

"It has many different names." Luna answers. "A spellbook... Book of Shadows... Book of Magic... A Grimoire..."

Zoro's eyes widen, as he leans up a little.

"You're a witch!" Zoro concludes.

"Why do you say that like it's a bad thing." Luna smirks, finding the spell. "Ha, here it is!

"I've never meet a witch before." Zoro lays down again.

"I've never meet a marimo either." Luna replies.

"Whatever, just get it over with." Zoro tells her.

Luna takes her hands, and presses them over his wound, making him flinch a little.

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