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"What's going on?" y/n asked, but she was ignored by the bustling guards around her as she was being wheeled to an unknown location. She had a bag with some necessities on her lap, along with a few personal items.

The walls and floors were badly damaged and her chair was jarringly bouncing even though the one pushing her was trying their best to avoid the most damaged areas. People, guards, scientists, personnel, were frantically moving everywhere, some carrying large boxes or pushing trolleys with containers too large to hold in one's arms.

The previous containment breach had done significant damage to the facility, most of which was the doing of SCP 682. Though 106 was a close second. The higher ups had deemed that the facility had to be evacuated of the majority of staff and SCPs, as extensive repair had to be preformed, and the damaged had greatly diminished the safety of the site.

y/n didn't know this, but she was being transported to site 17 along with a plethora of other anomalies. There weren't too many other humanoid SCPs at site 19, but it seemed they wanted to keep them separate from each other. She really only knew of SCP 527, the man with a fish head created by Wondertainment, but that was because she occasionally observed him in the halls. She was also pretty sure that the Gaia SCP, the one that was Dr. Clef's daughter, was here too. She shuddered at the thought of the eccentric doctor, one she did not want to meet.

She was wheeled into the back of a truck that had pulled up alongside the ruined facility. They strapped her chair to the floor to prevent it from rolling. Around her were boxes of varying size and material, all holding safe SCPs. She didn't bother asking anything of the personnel that were busy loading yet more boxes around her.

Not too much later, they closed the doors to the container, and soon she felt the area shift. It was dark, but she was able to fish out her hand-held console from her bag, the light illuminating the cramped space as she played a few games.

Hours later and no signs of stopping, her console low on battery, she had opted to try and sleep. Who knows how much longer she would be in there. She sure wished they fed her before shipping her off, she was starving.


She awoke to a start when the fluorescent light flooded into the shipping container she was in and there were suddenly people bustling around her once more. She did not have time to process what was happening before she was unceremoniously whisked out of the truck and into a building. 

Looking around, this place was much nicer than the facility she previously resided in. She hoped she could possibly stay here instead. Droves of people filled the hallway, but this was most likely due to the fact that numerous anomalous objects were being imported at once. She could have sworn she saw some people that didn't look like personnel. 

That's right... she remembered they let some SCPs roam free. Maybe I can some day. She hoped to herself as she watched a mop of dark brown hair and a pale blue glow disappear behind a door.

"I can take over bringing 6518 to it's room now." Came a familiar voice. She looked over her shoulder to see the familiar smiling face of Gallent. Him and the personnel pushing her currently swapped places and the latter went to go import more SCPs.

"Hey, no one told me what was happening." y/n spoke up, voice a bit hoarse from who knows how many hours without water. 

"Ah, yeah," Gallent shrugged "It's just protocol. Can't tell ya anything." He explained with a hit of sympathy for the anomaly he called a friend. y/n just pouted as she faced forward. 

Not even 5 minutes later, she spied another familiar face rushing towards her.

"Hey hey! How's our newest toy doing?" Bright smiled a Cheshire grin, laughing when y/n furrowed her brows. "I'm just joshing ya, don't worry your pretty little head too much!" He chuckled, playfully nudging her head. y/n rolled her eyes as her stomach growled embarrassingly loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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