Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV(A/N: hi guys, before reading make shure to support me on Patreon for some exclusive contact, link is on my Wattab home page)

                                          I'm board, hi I'm (Y/N) and you may not believe it but I'm over 800 years old and your probably wondering how can a human live that long. Well I'm not human I'm one of the few hybrids between a human and a curse and before you ask yes, curses are real and there literal monsters too. The reason why you don't know is because only those who can wield curse energy can see them and the only way to kill them is with curse energy so that's why jujutsu sorcerers exists to exercise curses, but in my case I'm special. Right now I was sent on a mission with one of the first years Megumi Fushiguro son of that bastared Toji but he's not like his father so I'm glad for that. As we where walking I complained" I'm board!" Megumi replied "we have a job to do" I pouted and once we reached a little hutch outside a school where the curse object is being held he said "this is where there keeping a cursed object, a hutch here in a place like this could they be anymore stupid " I then said "for the record all humans are stupid " he ignored me and was about to open it until we noticed there's no lock, we opened it and it was empty, freakin great. Megumi then furiously looked all over the hutch to find it no where and he even opened and closed it again. He then took out his phone and called Gojo, he said "it's not here" after a paused he said "the stevenson hutch is empty " I laughed and said "that's hilarious maybe it took a night time stroll" he replied "I'm going to punch the both of you" I complained "don't lump me in with Kakashi!" Megumi then hanged up and said "I'm so going to punch him" I then said "let me guess we can't go home" he nodded then I sighed and said " want to stay at an all night manga cafe?" He nodded and we went to our sleeping arrangements tonight.

                                              The next morning we decided to try and track it and it lead us to a high school, we walked onto the rugby field that has a curse on it. Megumi then asked "what's with this Rugby field?" We then watch as a curse swims threw the field like water and he asked "is a dead body buried here or something?" I then said "most likely, I do remember a guy disappearing while this school was being built" he replied "even if there is I'm surprised to see a cursed spirit this high level, must be a grade two curse, must be the influence of that cursed object " it then started making cooing and ah sounds and I jokingly said "aww, I think it like you" he then started walking away and he said "dame, it's presents is to strong to pin down, it feels like it's close by but could be fare away" he then took out his phone to look at the picture. As we where walking up we heard someone say "hey come here check this out, couch takogi is taking on Itadori from west middle" some other guy asked "wow, what are they competing for?" I then asked "can I check it out?" He only nodded and said "I'm the only one doing work here so go ahead " I then ran to see this go down. I saw this coach threw a metal ball 14 meters, so fare so good, I then heard the crowd cheering for him, I was standing next to a girl with red classes and a tall guy and the girl asked "wow is he famous or something?" The tall guy replied "it's just a rumor but I heard he beat all the stages of ninja warrior and he's the reincarnation of regu kruko " I ignored the rest and I watch as the guy named Itadori came up to field. I heard him asked "hey so can I throw it however I want?" The couch replied "in this challenge you can throw how ever you want" he then started to clout but what interest me is that Itadori threw a heavy metal ball one handly like a bass ball and 30 meters!

This shocked me to no end, I'd never seen a human do that before, how fun! He then started walking up to the two I was standing next too and the girl said "you'd do pretty well on a sports team Itadori, don't burst yourself to stay in our occult club" once he got close i sensed it the special grab object and this cursed energy it him! Itadori then said "huh, really even tho you love scaring stuff with out me you'd never go to haunted places" she replied "but we like being scared" he replied "school rules said I have to be in some club and I could never keep this up" the girl replied "yeah I did say that" he then said "and besides I want to be able to go home bye six so if you two don't mind I'll stay. I really like being in your club has a great vibe" the girl then said "in that case we're glad to have you back" the tall guy then said "yeah" I then started to laugh and that's when the group noticed me, the two got scared and the tall guy asked "when did you get there!?" I answered "at the beginning" I then turned my attention to Itadori then I asked him"your Itadori right?" He nodded and said "yeah, what do ya want?" I then felt him up in a non creepy way and i said "your really well built, good bone structure, and your looks are too boot" I then stopped and said "your perfect " He was about to ask but he saw the clock and said "oh it's already hafe pass four, see ya later coach got stuff to do". He ran and I then chased after him but he's too fast, he ran past Megumi and I know he felt it too, he then called out "wait!" But Itadori ran faster before he could hear it and Megumi asked "how is he that fast!?" A random passerby said "I heard he can run a fifty meter in three seconds " that surprised the both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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