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I got up w a big ass head ache so i put on some shorts and went done stairs to get some medicine

When i was done i started making food for the house cuz i was hungry asf

1hour later

I got done n made my plate some ppl started coming down

YALL COME EAT i yelled going to sit down

Big ass plate cam said

Stfu i said fucking my food up a bitch was hungry

One i was done i got my stuff ready to go to the mall it was 2pm so we needed to hurry up so i took a 30min shower and did my regular routine n got my purse texting the girls i was ready n went to my car to get it good and cold went around the block so it can get colder fast n waited on them outside

They finally came out its was me,ida,ny,nae,nia,&lena

We in the car listening to usher singing our hearts out till we got there

We got out and started walking inside

I went to Annie's & got me the new drink , some cinnamon pretzels and bacon bread cuz i was still hungry

We walk in Bath and body Works get us some things & goes to Victoria's Secret got some bras and panties,matching PJs, and swimsuits

As we're walking to Footlocker to get some matching shoes a group of guys come up to us I simply say I'm not interested so as nae ,nia&ny  but ida and lena got the boys numbers

We got our shoes went to get matching outfits then went to Claire's I got a belly piercing and some jewelry We finally left got in the car and headed back home

I go in a house and put my stuff up then Nunuu came in

Do you know what you did yesterday he asked me

No I said not remembering nothing that happened last night

OK he said and walked away

That strange I said to myself I walked out the room into the living room where everyone was at talking,chilling ,& smoking I walked to Nunuu and pulled him to the side so I can ask him what did I do last night

What did I do I ask him confused

You was just all up on me twerking & rubbing up on me tryna do the do he said

Omg , did we do anything I said embarrassed

No I wouldn't disrespect you like that I knew you was under the influence so I wasn't going to take advantage of you he said

Aww i said hugging him im happy u have respect for women and not like the others i said

Im myself dats why he said

Boy bye I said as we walked back to the boys

Let me hit that I said the cam

He passed it to me & hit it four times before passing it back

I walked over to the girls & sat down on the couch going on my phone I decided to go live because it was nothing else to do

Hey everybody I said putting my phone up

I talked to everybody for some time den got off after like a hour and as i put my phone up i see ppl going up stairs n tabina talkin ha shit so i walk up there den eli and ida fighting so tabina ran up on eli and security holding tabina bck ida fighting eli angel tryna get to whoever tabina tryna fight im over here dying cuz ida so damn extra😭 so ida and eli get at it again she beating his ass den angel arguing w tabina n tabina ran up debo broke it up n tabina ran in the room

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