Best boyfriend (F,A) 🤎🤍

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In this AU they have their own lil apartment/dorm (might add a cat in the future 👀) and they're dating already btw, hyunlix is a thing ig

Very fluffy, hardly angst (anxiety) with some sweet comforting, they also drink idk if i should put warning on that 🤷🏽


No one's POV:

"JAGI! Wake up already", Han went from gently to abruptly shaking Lee Know in hopes of awaking him. The so mentioned started to slowly catch consciousness, "mmmk...OK, STOP SHAKING ME", Minho moaned. "Finally!", Han exclaimed before throwing clothes at him, "Hurry, get ready." "What? Are we going somewhere, a date?", Minho teased fully wakening up and examining what Han threw at him a second ago. "Maybe later, did you forget? Chan asked us to be at the studio at 9. ITS 8:49 HURRY UP!", it's not as if Chan would scold them for being 1 or 10 minutes late but Han is just a punctual person same as his boyfriend, today being an exception, they had stayed till late finishing an anime the night before, and right now they were both deeply regretting not leaving it for later.

As Minho got dressed and at least washed his face, the younger was getting their stuff ready and decided today they could take just one bag. Leaving at exactly 9:00 munching on some granola bars on the way, they were thankful the studio wasn't far but in a walking distance, running distance at the moment. "Ah, there you are", Chan said noticing how out of breath they were before continuing, ", there's no hurry, we're still missing Hyunjin and Felix.", he laughed. Just as he finished the door slammed open again revealing another pair of out of breath boys. The 4 apologized and set their bags on the floor before finally starting practice.

As they were finishing one of the dances Jeongin spoke up, " Hey Chan can we please have a break, I need a snack", the youngest whined. "Yeah sure, doesn't sound bad, 10 minutes?", the leader asked. "How about 20", Seugmin popped up from the other side of the studio. "Mmm sure, sounds alright", the oldest agreed. While Lee Know was practicing a dance move Han was quick to go grab their drinks and the banana he had shoved in there earlier before leaving in a rush in the morning. "Oh shit", Jisung cursed to himself. He took the water bottle before chugging at least half of it and proceeded to approach Minho. " Hey so this morning in the rush I packed only one water bottle", he snickered at his own silly mistake. "Ewww, I'm not drinking from the same bottle as you", Minho answered in a teasingly way. "Oh please you're so dramatic", Han said while shoving the water bottle into his hands and giving Minho a peck on the lips before turning to go sit on the ground to eat the banana like nothing had happened. "Get a room you guys!", Hyunjin who has seem to have caught them shouted. Lee Know only tsked and went to sit beside his boyfriend."Gimme a bite", he opened his mouth. Han rolled his eyes but proceeded to do so. Shortly after they went back to practicing.

Today they wanted to perfect the choreography they've been learning for the past week. Surprisingly each member did at least one mistake, whether it was wrong side, move or part, they kept practicing nonetheless with small breaks in between of course. Lee Know however seemed to have a lot of problems with the choreography of one specific song. The more he stressed out about it, the more mistakes he began doing. Chan noticed and made sure to compliment him on everything else, but eventually decided he, as well as all the members, needed a longer break seeing that it was now almost 2pm. " Alright guys, good job, let's have lunch break and meet mmmm how about 2 hours from now?", the members all gave an agreeing head nod as they went their different ways. Han gave a knowing look to Chan before going up to Minho. They were now left alone in the room.

"Hey, are you ok? You seem stressed out a lot", Han gave the taller a back hug resting his head on the crook of his neck. " I don't know I just... keep messing up, EVERYTHING" Han hugs him tighter, "Come on it's only that one song, let's dance it again at x75 speed, maybe it's the pressure of the rest of the group being here hm?" he hummed as he went to play the song. "Maybe...I was doing fine some days ago", Lee Know spoke almost a whisper. They played it at that speed 3 times. With the song now slowed down and having the whole room to themselves Minho managed to only make two mistakes. "That was good! Here let me help you with the moves you kinda missed", Han said happily and showed him the steps. "Here, you have to do kind of a shuffle" "Yeah, I know", Minho followed his movements. After two minutes Lee Know was already familiar with it. "Let's put the song on one more time.", he requested. "But I'm hungry~, let's go eat already, we'll practice more afterwards anyways", the shorter cried out. "Ok jagi <3", he quickly complied at the cute scene in front of him. "What do you wanna eat?", the taller asked. "Mmm let's just walk around the building and walk in some restaurant" "mmk".

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