Chapter 1: Bloodied sharp teeth and the start for the young.

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Twelve moons spiral around the sky for as far as you can see, the endless night sky overlaps the seemingly never ending dark woods that you walk through with your trusty blue flamed torch that barely lights up a few meters in front of you and the sharp tipped stick that you hold on your left hand. 

You're not alone though as you've brought three other individuals who seem to be holding onto the same items as you are and follow your every move as if moving as a group with you.

The four of you carefully walk on mudded bouncy ground just barely maintaining balance trying to make it back what seems to be home, but you've been out there for what you think are hours or maybe even days, but in reality it's only been a few minutes since you've been dispatched from your posts back in Umbra village, which so happens to be the outskirts of the Stygian super continent that spirals around the globe in a singular line.

The four of you come to a stop and start to question why you've been ordered to wander the dark woods in the middle of the night.

You turn around and the face the three individuals. You see the twins with Black long straight hair who stand at 9'0ft with red skin, blue glowing eyes with no pupils, with the same uniform as the 8'9ft tall female who stands beside them with short braided neon white hair, dark red skin, black lipstick, blue glowing eyes with no pupils with a green cargo vest and black cargo pants and green sharp tipped shoes with spikes on its sides and ask,

"Yo Saka, Isn't it weird they sent us out here without any ranged weapons?"

Saka looks at everyones weapons including her own pondering the same question.

"I haven't a clue, I'm sure it's just easy prey though. I'm guessing there's no need to bring out advanced technology on inferior specimens."

"I guess so..", you mutter to yourself as you turn around to face the darkness yet again.

You know something's off because why would they send out a group of four to hunt something "small"?

"Even then, why in the middle of the night?"

Some questions linger in your mind as you question the decisions of those in charge. You can feel uneasiness creep into your systems the more you carefully bounce on the ground forward. The fourteen thousand kilometer wobbling trees that surround you doesn't help your rising anxiety. You can hear tree branches crash with one another as the winds pick up in speed making the wobbling tress crash into one another sending violent crack noises echoing through the vast forest. Hundreds of giant, long, thick branches fall on the mudded bouncy ground and bounce off into the sky and fall back down repeating the process multiple times.

You look back at the group and yell, "COME ON! LETS GET A MOVE ON!"

The trio behind you simultaneously reply, "AYE SIR!" with no hesitation and the group starting to bounce forward even faster like you would in a bounce house.

You keep moving forward dodging giant falling branches by bouncing left and right and sometimes jumping over them.

This would go on for ten minutes straight.

"Tch, If the wind doesn't subside then at this rate..the trees will crash and apart into thousands of big pieces. We won't have enough time to escape."

As you thought these words, the exact situation that you had just thought of begins to happen as the winds grow even stronger making the trees straight up crash with their trunks.

Your eyes widen in shock and yell out to the group, "GO FORWARD AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! DON'T LOOK BACK!!"

The four of you bounce forward as fast as you possibly can trying to move away from the inevitable.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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