Act III Finale - Reign Of Fear

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When Izuku got back to Ramsgate, he was dead on the inside. He had watched dozens of people die brutally as he could only sit and watch.

He had watched Max die.

And so he spent the next 2 weeks in bed, isolated from the world around him, and refused to see anybody.


Arkan was worried about his son, who wouldn't be when your son was a genius with no self-preservation instinct and multiple prosthetics? But the problem was that Izuku was hurting, and he was unable to do anything about it. He had heard the reports from Priyani, but Lady Luck had explained to Arkan what Izuku had seen.

He had seen the true nature of the Nightmare, he had seen through it's body and into it's very aether, it's soul and mind, and it hurt Izuku just as much as watching people die had, not to mention the sword that Izuku now apparently had branded to his arm, Priyani had said that the sword was called Daybreak, that was the only thing that was known about the sword except for the fact that it nearly ripped Izuku's only remaining arm apart when he used it to hold onto the portal driver.

They wouldn't know anything else until Izuku recovered if he ever did.

All he could do was pray that his son would be okay.

~~~~~Vayra (Didn't expect her huh?)~~~~~

Vayra Heigsketter wouldn't consider herself the best with her feelings, especially with what had happened with her ex-husband after he abandoned Vayra after Moyra was born, so when she started bonding with Arkan Drew over the challenges of single parenthood she hadn't expected herself to catch feelings for the man, so of course she was worried about the man and Izuku.

That was until Wils showed up at her door in the middle of the night.

"Evening Vayra, didn't expect you to be up this late!" Said Wils in a voice way to giddy for the middle of the night.

"Shut it, Wils, or you'll wake up Moyra. She's been worried sick about Izuku since he got back." Vayra wasn't in the mood due to a blatant lack of sleep over the past couple of days.

Wils smiled brightly at her before he laughed loudly. "Of course you're worried about your kids! It's only natural!" Laughed out Wils

Vayra promptly hit the man with a suplex

"Ow, christ, sorry!" Whisper shouted Wils at the antics of Vayra

"You better be, Izuku isn't my kid, you Ostian buffoon," said Vayra

"Yet," replied Wils, before Vayra promptly choked him out

Before the two old friends could say more, they heard an inhuman screech, and the screams that could only be followed by death.

The Feareater had come to pursue its target once again.

It had come to Ramsgate.

~~~~~~~~~View Of The Beast~~~~~~~~

The king was hungry. It had found a new target and had sought to pursue it.

If the king consumed this prey, then it's would be invulnerable. It needed the light.

And would do anything to get it.

It needed the boy.

It needed Izuku.

So, began the hunt.

~~~~~~~~~~~Izuku View~~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku hadn't been able to sleep since he came from the expedition. His dreams were once again against him.

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